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×Single Sign-On (SSO) between two WordPress (WP) sites with the help of our WordPress SAML SP Single Sign-On (SSO) and Login Using WordPress users (WP as SAML IdP) plugin. Our WordPress SAML SP Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin gives you the ability to use your WordPress (WP) site as SAML SP (Service Provider) and you can configure other WordPress (WP) site as an SAML IdP (Identity Provider) with Login Using WordPress users (WP as SAML IdP) plugin. Enabling SAML SSO for Multiple WordPress (WP) sites.
Pre-requisites: Download And Installation
Follow the steps below to configure the Single Sign-On (SSO) between two WordPress (WP) sites.
Service Provider Name
Name of your Service Provider. |
SP Entity ID or Issuer | Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from the Service Provider |
ACS URL | Copy and paste the ACS URL from the Service Provider. |
NameID Format | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Assertion Signed | Checked |
Service Provider Name
Name of your Service Provider. |
SP Entity ID or Issuer | Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from the Service Provider. |
ACS URL | Copy and paste the ACS URL from the Service Provider. |
Select Binding type(optional) | Select Use HTTP-Redirect Binding for SLO |
Single Logout URL(optional) | Enter Single Logout URL given in Service Provider. |
X.509 Certificate(optional) | Enter X.509 Certificate. |
NameID Format\ | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Response Signed | Checked if you want to sign the SAML Response |
Assertion Signed | Checked if you want to sign the SAML Response |
Encrypted Assertion | Checked if you want to encrypt the SAML Assertion\ |