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Explore How Our WP Paid Memberships Pro Integrator Simplifies SSO

Enhance User Experience with Effortless Single Sign-On

Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Group mapping

Paid Memberships Pro group mapping

Map the IdP group information of your users to the Paid Membership Pro groups.

Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Single Sign On

Multiple IDP support

Allows you to configure membership level assignment for every IDP configured for Single Sign-On (SSO).

Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Single Sign On

SSO for Paid Memberships Pro Users

Enable SSO on your WordPress site for yourPaid Memberships Pro users.

Paid Memberships Pro Integrator Licensing Plan

Experience the Benefits of Paid Memberships Pro Integrator

Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Group mapping

Content restriction

Mapping IDP attributes to the respective Membership levels enables restricting specific content to specific user groups and your Paid Membership Pro membership levels.

Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Single Sign On

Selective discounts

Assigning different Membership levels based on the IdP attributes helps in providing various discount offers to various Paid Membership Pro membership level users depending on their user groups in your IDP.

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Paid Membership Pro Membership Mapping

  1. miniOrange Paid Memberships Pro Integrator allows you to assign membership levels to your users based on their groups in your Identity Provider.
  2. User Group Sync: Membership levels in Paid Memberships Pro would be updated based on the user’s IDP group every time the user performs SSO, allowing you to maintain consistency in user information and secure access to your site.
  3. Default Membership Assignment: If a user from unmapped groups in your IDP SSOs into Paid Memberships Pro site, that user will be automatically assigned a default PMLevel.
  4. Multiple Role Assignment: You can assign one PMLevel to users from multiple roles in their IDP.
Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Paid Memberships Pro Membership Mapping
Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Multiple IDP Support

Multiple IDP Support

  1. miniOrange Paid Memberships Pro Integrator supports multiple IDPs, which means you can configure PMLevels based on the user's IDP group, for each IDP individually.
  2. Default Membership Mapping: In addition, miniOrange Paid Memberships Pro Integrator also has default membership mapping for all IDPs.

    Note: For Multiple IDPs different groups will be stored in different IDPs like Okta, Azure AD, etc. and assignment of Memberships will take in a similar way as shown in Paid Memberships Pro Mapping.

Integration with any SAML 2.0/OAuth IDP

  1. Support for enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for Paid Memberships Pro users, using either our SAML or OAuth/OpenID Connect plugin solutions.
  2. Choose from any of the most popular SAML 2.0 or OAuth compliant Identity Providers in the market like Okta, ADFS, Salesforce, Azure AD, Azure B2C, Google Apps (GSuite/Google Workspace), miniOrange, Keycloak, Shibboleth, Ping, and more, for seamless integration with your Paid Memberships Pro site !
Paid Memberships Pro SSO Integrator | Integration with any SAML / OAuth IDP

Follow the step by step guide to configure Paid Memberships Pro Integrator SAML / OAuth Client Single Sign On ( SSO ) Plugin

Follow the step by step guide to configure Paid Memberships Pro Integrator Addon with SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Plugin

miniOrange logo  miniOrange Paid Memberships Pro Integrator allows you to map the Paid Memberships Pro - membership levels based on the attributes sent by the Identity Provider.

  • Your IDP will map the following attributes while performing SSO.

  •  - Testconfig window

    Note: You can check the list of Attributes sent by the IDP by clicking on the Test Configuration button in Service Provider Setup tab of the plugin.

  • The attribute userType contains the Membership level information for the user. You can follow the steps below to map this to Paid Memberships Pro - Membership levels:
    • Go to Attribute / Role Mapping tab of miniOrange SAML SP SSO Enterprise plugin.
    • Under Attribute Mapping section, provide the Group / Role value as userType and click on Save button.

    •  - Attribute mapping
    • Now, navigate to Paid Memberships Pro Integrator add-on.
    • You have two Paid Memberships Pro - Membership levels, member-a and member-b and you want to map the SSO users to these membership levels based on the value of userType attribute as sent by the IDP.

    •  - Paid Membership pro tab
    • As per the above mapping, while performing SSO, any user having userType attribute’s value as member-A1 or member-A2 will be added to member-a Paid Memberships Pro - Membership levels and any user having userType attribute’s value as member-B1 will be added to member-b Paid Memberships Pro - Membership levels.

Request a Free Demo for Paid Memberships Pro Integrator Now

Explore the Benefits of Our WordPress Paid Memberships Pro Integrator Add-On

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WP SAML SSO | SAML Single Sign-On | 10 Days - Free Trial WP SAML SSO | SAML Single Sign-On | 10 Days - Free Trial WP SAML SSO | SAML Single Sign-On | 10 Days - Free Trial

We offer Secure Identity Solutions for Single Sign-On, Two Factor Authentication, Adaptive MFA, Provisioning, and much more.

Please contact us at -  +1 978 658 9387 (US) | +91 97178 45846 (India)

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