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Explore How Our Attribute-Based Redirection / Restriction
Simplifies SSO

Enhance User Experience with Effortless Single Sign-On

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Attribute Mapping

Attribute Based Restriction

Restricts users on the bases of attributes in the IDP response, after login.

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Attribute Mapping

Custom Page Redirection

Redirection to custom page for the restricted users, after login.

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Attribute Mapping

Attribute Based Redirection

Redirect users to different URL based on the attributes in the IDP response, after login.

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Attribute Mapping

Custom Redirection and Restriction rules

You can define custom rules for Attribute based redirection and restriction.

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Attribute Mapping

Compatible with miniOrange SSO plugin

Highly compatible along with our WordPress SAML / OAuth /OpenID Connect Plugin.

Scim User Sync for Moodle | Real time provisioning

Support for Custom Attribute Table

The redirection also works with attributes that are stored in some custom WordPress table instead of usermeta.

Follow the step by step guide to configure Attribute Based Redirection / Restriction Addon with SAML / OAuth Single Sign On (SSO) Plugin

    idp_sso_image1 Follow the step-by-step guide to configure Attribute-Based Redirection / Restriction addon with OAuth Client Plugin

    • miniOrange Attribute Based Login provides redirection to different pages after login, based on the user’s attributes stored in the
      usermeta table of WordPress.
    • We can also provide redirection based on the user’s attributes which exist in some other table of WordPress.
    • Let’s say you want users with the attribute userType as Student to get redirected to after login.
    • And you want the users with the attribute userType as Staff to get redirected to after login.
    • Then you can provide the following mapping under Attribute Based Redirection section.

    • attribute_based_redirection
    • Now, if any user is having the userType meta key value as Student or Staff, will be redirected to the corresponding configured URL after login.
    • Regex to Match: You can also provide a regular expression for the attribute value. If the logging in user satisfies the mapped regex, they will be redirected to the configured URL after logging in.

    attribute_based_restriction_bullet Attribute Based Restriction:

    • miniOrange Attribute Based Login provides login restriction based on the user’s attributes sent by the Identity Provider.
    • Let’s say you only want the users having userType as Contributor and MemberTypeCode as 25, 26, 40, 41 or 45 to be able to login. Then you can provide the following mapping under Attribute Based Restriction section.

    • attribute_based_restriction
    • NOTE: You can provide semicolon separated values in case of multiple attribute values. In this case, the rule will behave like the OR condition, that is, if the attribute sent by the IDP has any of the semicolons separated values, the user will be allowed to log in.
    • Now, any user trying to login with the above set of attributes will be allowed to log in. But if they don’t have the above set of attributes, they will be redirected to a page configured in the Restricted user redirect URL section of the plugin.
    • Multi-valued Attributes: You can provide rules with duplicate attribute name. In this case, it will behave like the AND condition.

    • multi_value_attribute
    • As per the above configuration, a user will be allowed to login only if the userType attribute sent by the IdP for that user has the values contributor and editor.

Please reach out to us if you need any assistance with the addon setup with WordPress SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) Plugin.

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Explore the Benefits of Our Attribute Based Redirection/Restriction Single Sign-On Plugin

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