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What WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) can do?

WordPress Single Sign On - introduction

Introduction to WordPress SSO

Built on OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a secure and flexible SSO protocol, making it ideal for seamless WordPress SSO across web and mobile platforms.WordPress SSO

WordPress Single Sign On - authentication flow

Authentication Flows in SSO

OIDC supports multiple authentication flows, including authorization code with PKCE, implicit, and hybrid, ensuring adaptability for various WordPress SSO scenarios.

WordPress Single Sign On - security in wordpress

Security in WordPress SSO

With encrypted ID token validation, WordPress SSO strengthens security, mitigating threats like token theft and man-in-the-middle attacks.

WordPress Single Sign On - why choose oauth

Why Choose OAuth/OIDC?

OAuth and OIDC streamline authentication with access and ID tokens, providing robust session security, seamless SSO, and reduced credential risk.

Features of the WordPress SSO plugin

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - user account linking

SSO User Account Linking

Sync user profile attributes from IDP to WordPress user profile fields during Single Sign-On (SSO), Also assign WordPress roles based on the user's groups in the IDP.

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - auto create user

Auto Create SSO users in WP

If the user is not present in the WordPress user list, it will be auto-created during Single Sign-On (SSO).WordPress SSO

Explore Our Supported OAuth & OpenID Providers

Connect & login via WordPress Single Sign-On using Azure, O365, Okta, Salesforce, AWS Cognito, Keycloak, & many more IDPs. Effortlessly activate WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) on your WordPress site with our plugin, seamlessly connecting to any Identity Provider supporting OAuth 2.0 protocols. WordPress SSO

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - okta Okta
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - clever Clever
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Keycloak Keycloak
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Azure AD Azure AD
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Discord Discord
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - ClassLink ClassLink
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Office 365 Office 365
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - AWS Cognito AWS Cognito
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Atlassian IMIS
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Onelogin Onelogin

How to setup WordPress Single Sign-On SSO?

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Step1

Step 01

Get started with a few clicks-download and install with ease!

Download and Install WordPress Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client) plugin from

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Step2

Step 02

Choose and Configure Your Application for Seamless SSO

After installation, select your identity provider and configure the redirect/callback URL in the sso application.

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - Step3

Step 03

Configure Client Credentials in Plugin – You're All Set for WordPress SSO!

Configure Client ID and Client secret received from IDP in WordPress SSO plugin to estalblish a successful Single Sign-On connection.

Our Pricing

If you have a dev-staging-prod type of environment, you will require 3 plugin licenses (with discounts applicable on pre-production environments). This is because the license is linked to the domain of the WordPress instance. Contact us at for bulk discounts.


Save 15% for 2 yrs  Save 20% for 3 yrs

  • Basic Attribute & Role Mapping
  • Auto-create SSO users & SSO Widget
  • Shortcode and SSO Link

Save 15% for 2 yrs  Save 20% for 3 yrs

  • All Standard features
  • Protect Site with SSO
  • Email Domains Restriction
  • JWT Validation Support
  • Advanced Role + Group Mapping

Save 15% for 2 yrs  Save 20% for 3 yrs

  • All Premium features
  • Unlimited Provider Support
  • User Analytics
  • Developer Hooks
  • PKCE Flow Support
  • Enable/Disable WordPress Login

Save 15% for 2 yrs  Save 20% for 3 yrs

VIP Plan
WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - VIP plan
Recommended for WP VIP Hosting and Large Organizations

  • All All-Inclusive features
  • Includes Third-party Pentest Reports
  • Free Licenses for Pre-production Environments* Pre-Production licensing applies to localhost, private IPs, or domains with dev, local, or staging in their name
  • Dedicated Support Engineer
  • One Hour SLA
  • One Time Setup Assistance
  • Personalization Included* Free customization to modify plugin settings or user flows
  • Product Training
  • Multiple Integrations


The price is for one instance



check mark

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Authorization Code Grant

Authorization Code Grant

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The price is for one instance



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WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant

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The price is for one instance



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WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant, Authorization code grant with PKCE flow

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant, Authorization code grant with PKCE flow

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WordPress SSO - check mark

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WordPress SSO - check mark

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All - Inclusive

The price is for one instance



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WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant, Authorization code grant with PKCE flow

Authorization Code Grant, Password Grant, Client Credentials Grant, Implicit Grant, Refresh token Grant, Authorization code grant with PKCE flow

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

WordPress SSO - Single Sign-On - check mark

Frequently Asked Questions

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - plugin inquiries  Plugin Inquiries

Does miniOrange Offer technical support?

Yes, we provide 24*7 support for all and any issues you might face while using the plugin, which includes technical support from our developers. You can get prioritized support based on the Support Plan you have opted for. You can check out the different Support Plans from this link.

What is one instance?

A single installation of a WordPress site is referred to as a WordPress instance. It refers to every website on which the plugin is installed for performing WordPress SSO. Each website will be counted as a single instance in the case of a single-site WordPress installation.

What is the difference between a Single & Multisite network?

A Single Site WordPress setup operates independently, with its own database that is not shared with other sites, meaning all content, users, and settings are stored separately. In this setup, site functions as an isolated entity with its own configurations and management. Whereas, In a Multisite Network, all sites share the same core database, but each site has its own set of tables for storing its unique content (like user data) which is shared across the network, allowing users to grant access to multiple sites without needing separate accounts. This setup allows to create subsites using either subdomains (e.g., or subdirectories (e.g., and provides centralized management of multiple sites from a single installation. If you want to install a Multisite Network, follow this step-by-step WordPress Multisite guide.WordPress SSO

What is the difference between Unlimited WordPress SSO login and Unlimited IDPs?

Unlimited WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) allows multiple users to seamlessly access a WordPress site using SSO without any restrictions on the number of logins through one application. This ensures a hassle-free authentication experience with a single set of credentials. Whereas, Unlimited Identity Providers (IDPs) let you configure and authenticate users from multiple OAuth/OIDC-supported IDPs using our WordPress OAuth SSO plugin on your website. This is useful for organizations managing different user groups across separate WP OAuth IDPs, such as Azure AD, Okta, Google, or other OAuth/OpenID providers.

WordPress SSO - WordPress Single Sign-On - license inquires  License Inquires

What is the licensing model?

Our licensing structure is based on the Fully Qualified Domain Name (F.Q.D.N), meaning each license is linked to a specific domain where the plugin is activated. This ensures that the license is valid only for the designated domain.

Do I need to pay one-time or annually?

Our licenses follow a subscription-based model, requiring annual renewal at 100% of the license cost to prevent any disruption to the SSO functionality on your website.

What is the refund policy?

You will be able to claim refund only if the request has been raised within 10 days from the date of purchase, only under the following circumstances: a) if the software or the features you have purchased are not working as advertised on the website/ marketplace and you have attempted to resolve the issues with our support team; b) you have purchased the wrong license or Xecurify/miniOrange product and informed us within a period of 10 days from your purchase; Please read more about the Refund Policy in our End User License Agreement.

How does the plugin licensing work for multiple environments?

We have an instance-based licensing policy. The plugin's licensing is linked to the domain of the WordPress instance. Thus, if you have a dev-staging-prod environment, you'll need three licenses (with discounts applicable on pre-production environments). Additionally, If you need to use the license to a different domain, you can deactivate it from the current domain and activate it on the new one.

Popular Usecases

WordPress Single Sign-On + Page Restriction

SSO with Page/Post restrictions allows you to prevent content access based on WordPress roles assigned to the user on WordPress performing SSO and controls who can view/edit specific pages. WordPress SSO
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WordPress Single Sign-On + Media Restriction

WordPress SSO with Media Restriction prevents unauthorized access to your WordPress media files and folders based on WordPress user roles, login status, and memberships.
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AWS Cognito Integration

Sync and manage automatic user provisioning between WordPress and AWS Cognito, i.e when a user is created, updated, or deleted in WordPress, the changes are automatically reflected in AWS Cognito, ensuring seamless synchronization.
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Learndash/LMS Integration

LearnDash Integrator automatically assigns LearnDash groups or courses to the SSO User based on the roles or attributes from the Identity Provider IDP.
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WordPress Single Sign-On  - Page restriction WordPress Single Sign-On  - media restriction WordPress Single Sign-On  - cognito integration WordPress Single Sign-On  - LearnDash integration
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