ASP.NET OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) using Keycloak as OAuth Provider
ASP.NET OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) module gives the ability to enable OAuth
Single Sign-On for your ASP.NET applications. Using Single Sign-On you can use
only one password to access your ASP.NET application and services. Our module
is compatible with all the OAuth compliant Identity providers. Here we will go
through a step-by-step guide to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) between ASP.NET
and Keycloak as OAuth Provider.
For Setting up the connector, extract the, you will find a DLL file
miniorange-oauth-sso.dll, a configuration file
oauthsso.config and a file which contain the
steps for adding the module into your application.
1. Add the connector in your application
Add miniorange-oauth-sso.dll in bin folder (where your other DLL
files exists) for your application.
Register miniorangeoauthsso module in your application according to
the provided steps in the file.
Add the provided configuration file oauthsso.config in the root
directory for your application.
After integration open browser and browse the connector dashboard with URL
below: https:// <your-application-base-url>/?ssoaction=config
If it pop up the registration page or login page, you have successfully
added the miniOrange oauth sso connector for your application.
Add Realm : Now login to keycloak administration console
and navigate to your desired realm. You can add new realm by selecting
Add Realm option.
Create realm: Enter Realm Name and keep the realm
name handy as it will required later to configure the Realm under the ASP.NET
OAuth plugin. Click on CREATE to add realm.
Create OpenID client: Click on the
Clients and choose create to create a
new client. Enter client id and select client protocol
openid-connect and select Save.
Change Access type: After client is created change its
access type to confidential.
Enter Valid Redirect URIs: Copy Callback URL from
plugin and then click on SAVE. Ex -- https:///oauth/callback
Get Client Secret: Now we need to get client secret. So
select Clients and select credentials and copy your
secret from here.
Plugin Configuration: Enter copied
Client Secret under Client secret field in the ASP.NET OAuth
plugin, and enter the Client Name under the Client ID field.
Add User: We need to add users to realm who will be able
to access the resources of realm. Click on the Users and
choose to Add a new User.
User Configuration: After user is created following
action needs to be performed on it.
1) Setting a password for it so click on
and set a new Password for the user.
NOTE : Disabling Temporary will make user password permanent.
Map User: We need to map user to a role. Click on
Role Mappings and assign the user desired role from
available roles and clicking on add selected.
Create ROLE: The Role will be used by your applications
to define which users will be authorized to access the application. Click
on the Roles and choose Add Role.
Step 2.1: Steps to fetch Keycloak Groups
Create groups: Click on the Groups and
choose New to create a new group.
Assign user to group: Select the user whom you want to
add in group. Choose Groups option from tab and then select the
group-name and click on join.
Keycloak Group Mapper: Now to get group details we need
to perform its client mapping with group membership else group details
will not be fetched. So in Client section, select your client and
then click on mapper->create.
Now, select mapper type as Group Membership and enter the
name and token claim name i.e the attribute name corresponding to
which groups will be fetched. Turn Off the full group path, Add to ID
token and Add to access token options, and click on Save.
Note: -- If full path is on group path will be fetched else group
name will be fetched.
Step 2.2: Steps to fetch Keycloak Roles
Keycloak Role Mapper: Now to get role details we need
to perform its client mapping with role membership else role details
will not be fetched. So in Client section, select your client and
then click on mapper->create.
Now, select mapper type as user realm Role Membership and
enter the name. and token claim name i.e the attribute
name corresponding to which groups will be fetched. Add to ID token and
Add to access token options, and click on Save.
Add Realm : Now login to keycloak administration console
and navigate to your desired realm. You can add new realm by selecting
Create Realm option.
Create realm: Enter Realm Name and keep the realm
name handy as it will required later to configure the Realm under the
OAuth Client plugin. Click on CREATE to add realm.
Create OpenID client: Click on the
Clients and choose Create Client to
create a new client. Enter Client ID and select client protocol
openid-connect and Click Next.
Enable the Client Authentication and Authorization toggle.
Scroll down to the Access settings and enter your
Callback/Redirect URL
which you will get from your miniOrange plugin present on your Client side
under the CallBack URLs text-field.
Go to the Credentials tab, copy the Client Secret and keep
it handy as we will require it later while configuring ASP.NET OAuth Single
Sign-On plugin.
Plugin Configuration: Enter copied Client Secret under
Client secret field in the ASP.NET OAuth plugin, and enter the
Client ID under the Client ID field.
Add User: We need to add users to realm who will be able to access
the resources of realm. Click on the Users and Click on
Create new user to Add a new User.
User Configuration: After user is created following
action needs to be performed on it.
1) Setting a password for it so click on
and set a new Password for the user.
NOTE : Disabling Temporary will make user password permanent.
Map User: We need to map user to a role. Click on
Role Mappings and assign the user desired role from
available roles.
Create ROLE: The Role will be used by your applications
to define which users will be authorized to access the application. Click
on the Roles and choose Create Role.
3. Configure miniOrange ASP.NET OAuth Client
After configuring your OAuth Provider, it will provide you with
Client ID, Client Secret, Authorize Endpoint, Access Token Endpoint
and Get User Info Endpoint. Configure these values under respective
Fill all the required details and click on Save Configuration.
4. Test Configuration
After saving configuration, click on the
Test Configuration button to verify if you have configured correctly.
On successful configuration, you will get Attributes Name and
Attribute Values on Test Configuration window. The below screenshot
shows a successful result.
5. Attribute Mapping
Map Attribute Names provided by your OAuth Server with your ASP.NET
application Attributes given under Attribute Mapping Section and click on
Save Attribute Mapping.
Note: All the mapped attributes will be stored in the session so that
you can access them in your application.
6. Integration Code
You can find the integration code in Integration Code tab in the
connector. Just copy-paste that code snippet wherever you want to access the
user attributes.
7. Add following link in your application for Single Sign-On (SSO)
Use the following URL as a link in your application from where you want to
perform SSO: http://base-url/?ssoaction=login
For example you can use it as: <a href="http://base-url/?ssoaction=login”>Log in</a>"
You can configure the ASP.NET SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO) module with any
Identity Provider such as
ADFS, Azure AD, Bitium, Centrify, G Suite, JBoss Keycloak, Okta,
OneLogin, Salesforce, AWS Cognito, OpenAM, Oracle, PingFederate, PingOne,
RSA SecureID, Shibboleth-2, Shibboleth-3, SimpleSAML, WSO2
or even with your own custom identity provider.