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Magento Single Sign-On (SSO) | Setup Magento 2 SSO using SAML or OAuth Protocol

Magento Single Sign-On (SSO) extension by miniOrange allows users to Single Sign-On into Magento 2 Backend and Frontend Store. Configure SSO with integration protocols such as SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWT, LDAP, API authentication, etc. for different IDPs like Okta, ADFS, Azure AD, Azure B2C, Onelogin, AWS Cognito, Salesforce, GSuite/Google Apps, etc. or any Custom Identity provider.

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, the miniOrange Magento SSO solution simplifies logins, reinforces security, and optimizes user experience. Magento Single Sign-On (SSO) can be achieved through OAuth and SAML protocols, our SSO solution will make Magento SSO extension establishing trust between the Magento site and your Identity Provider (IdP) to securely authenticate and login users to the Magento site. Our Magento Single Sign-On (SSO) solution helps to secure Magento sites behind the SSO login so that users are authenticated using their Identity Provider login credentials. Seamless support for advanced SSO features like Attribute / Custom Mapping, Role Mapping etc.

Here we will go through a guide to configure Magento SSO through OAuth and SAML protocols. To know more about other features we provide in our respective extensions visit Magento SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) extension and Magento OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) extension. You can also click here to check out our other extensions.

Steps to Configure Magento Single Sign-On (SSO) using SAML and OAuth/OpenID Connect Protocols

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

Installation using Composer:
  • Purchase the miniOrange SAML Single Sign On – SAML SSO Login extension from magento marketplace.
  • Go to My profile -> My Purchases
  • Please ensure you are using correct access keys (My Profile - Access Keys)
  • Paste the access keys in your auth.json file inside your project
  • Use the below command to add the extension to your project.
    "composer require saml-sp-single-sign-on:{version}"
  • You can see the module name and list of versions in the selector below the extension module name.
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension.
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Manual Installation:
  • Download the miniOrange SAML Single Sign On – SAML SSO Login extension zip from here.
  • Unzip all contents of the zip inside the MiniOrange/SP directory.
  • {Root Directory of Magento} app code MiniOrange SP
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Magento Single Sign On SSO login with Azure AD, Azure B2C, ADFS, Okta, Keycloak, Salesforce, Ping, Bitium, Gsuite, Shibboleth & many SAML IdPs [24/7 SUPPORT]

 Tested with 2.4.5

Steps to Configure Magento 2 SAML Single Sign-On Extension (Magento SAML)

1. Setup Custom Identity Provider as IdP (Identity Provider)

  • In miniOrange Magento SAML extension, Navigate to Service Provider Metadata tab. Here you will find all the required settings which you will require to configure your Identity Provider.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - SAML SSO service provider metadata tab setup magento SAML

2. Configuring Magento 2 as SP (Service Provider)

  • Go to Service Provider Setup tab of the miniOrange Magento SAML SSO extensions.
  • Provide the required settings (i.e. Identity Provider Name, IdP Entity ID or Issuer, SAML Login URL, X.509 Certificate) as provided by your Identity Provider and click on the Save button.
  • By clicking on Test Configuration button in Magento SAML extension you can check whether your IdP connection is successful and what attributes you are getting from IdP.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - magento sso service provider setup magento SAML Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - magento SAML SSO user data from IdP magento 2 SSO
  • In free extension you can add a login button on your customer login page. Other options like login link on admin page, auto-redirect user etc. is provided in premium versions of the extension.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - sign in settings magento 2.0 SSO login

3. Attribute Mapping / Custom Attribute Mapping(Optional). *This is Premium feature.

3.1: Attribute Mapping (Optional).

  • Attributes are user details that are stored in your Identity Provider.
  • Attribute Mapping helps you to get user attributes from your Identity Provider (IdP) and map them to Magento user attributes like firstname, lastname etc.
  • While auto registering the users in your Magento site these attributes will automatically get mapped to your Magento user details.
  • Only NameID can be mapped to Magento's Email and Username characteristics with the free plugin. Multiple user attributes from the IdP, on the other hand, can be mapped to Magento attributes in the premium version of the plugin. You can map custom attributes that you've added to your IdP in addition to the default attributes.
  • When a user performs SSO, the NameID value sent by the IdP will get mapped to the email and the username of the Magento user.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - attribute mapping
    Username: Name of the username attribute from IdP (Keep NameID by default)
    Email: Name of the email attribute from IdP (Keep NameID by default)
    Group/Role: Name of the Role attribute from Identity Provider (IdP)
  • You can check the Test Configuration Results under Service Provider Setup tab to get a better idea of which values to map here.

3.2: Custom Attribute Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

  • Enter your table name in Table field.
  • Enter attribute name as your column name (in the respective table)
  • Click on Add button for adding custom magento attribute and map the respective field with the attribute receiving from your identity provider
  • Click on save button for saving the configuration.
  • You can also delete the configuration by entering the name in attribute name field and then click on delete button.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - Magento custom attribute mapping

4.Role Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

  • You can specify a default role in the free plugin that will be allocated to all non-admin users when they conduct SSO.
  • Go to Attribute/Role mapping tab and navigate to Role Mapping section.
  • Select the Default Role and click on the Save button.
  • Magento 2 SSO - Magento 2 single sign on - Magento Single Sign On - Magento SSO - Magento SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On(SSO) - role mapping

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We offer Secure Identity Solutions for Single Sign-On, Two Factor Authentication, Provisioning, and much more. Please contact us at

 +1 978 658 9387 (US) | +91 97178 45846 (India)

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