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How to Configure Ultimate Member Notification in OTP Verification Plugin?

Ultimate Member, a WordPress plugin, enables the addition of attractive user profiles to your website. Ideal for building advanced online communities and membership sites, the Ultimate Member SMS notification sends alerts to both administrators and customers regarding new account creations.

You can download miniOrange OTP Verification plugin using the following link:

Email Verification / SMS Verification / OTP Verification / OTP Authentication

by miniorange

OTP Verification on Email & SMS on all forms. WooCommerce SMS Notification. PasswordLess OTP Login. Custom Gateway for OTP Verification. 24/7 support


Tested with 6.4.1


1. Configure Ultimate Member Notification

  • Go to the "Notifications" tab in the OTP Verification plugin.
  • Select "Ultimate Member Notification" as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Ultimate Member Notification tab

2. Ultimate Member Notification

    2.1. Enable Ultimate Member Notification for Admin

  • Enable "New Account" notification.
  • Click on the "Edit" option.
  • Ultimate Member Notification Ultimate Member Notification
  • Enter the admin phone number on which the notification will be received (you can use multiple phone numbers separated by a semicolon).
  • You can change your SMS Template here. Add available tags inside the SMS body to replace content.
  • Click on the "Save Settings" button.
  • Ultimate Member Notification add tags
  • Navigate to the default Ultimate Member registration page.
  • Once admin clicking on the register button will receive an OTP.
  • Enter the OTP received for validation, after successfully registering customer will receive an SMS notification of new account creation.

  • 2.2. Enable Ultimate Member Notification for Customers

    • Enable "New Account" notification.
    • Click on the "Edit" option.
    • Ultimate Member Notification new account
    • Enter the Phone MetaKey, which is the key against which the phone number is stored in the usermeta table.
    • You can change your SMS Template here. Add available tags inside the SMS body to replace content.
    • Click on the "Save Settings" button.
    • Ultimate Member Notification replace content
    • Navigate to the default Ultimate Member registration page.
    • Once customer clicking on the register button will receive an OTP.
    • Enter the OTP received for validation, after successfully registering customer will receive an SMS notification of new account creation.

For more information about WordPress OTP Verification

For more details and installation process of OTP verification check our plugins page

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