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Sync Gravity Forms data with Microsoft Dynamics CRM / Dynamics 365

You can now sync Gravity form-data to any Dynamics 365 object/table using our Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM plugin. You can easily map any form from the contact form7 plugin to any Dynamics 365 Object like Accounts, Contacts, Leads, etc. For example, form fields like first-name, last name, email, phone number, etc. can be mapped to dynamics object contact attributes like First Name, Last Name, Email, Business Phone, etc. When user submits the form filling all the details in form, this data will be inserted/updated to the respective object as an entry.

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

To Sync Gravity form Data to Dynamics 365 CRM you would need the following requirements.

  • You would need to install the Gravity form Plugin.
  • We need to install the miniOrange Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM Plugin.

Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM plugin provides complete for bi-directional data sync between WP and Dynamics CRM objects i.e syncing data from WordPress object to Dynamics CRM object and vice-versa. [24/7 SUPPORT]

 Tested with 6.5

Steps to Create Forms using Gravity Form Plugin

1. Create Gravity Form

  • Install and activate the gravity form plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Navigate to the forms from the WordPress admin dashboard side panel.
  • Click on Add New button to create a new form.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Add New
  • Enter the Form Title in the given input field and edit the description. Then click on the Create Form button.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Enter details
  • Select standard fields or advanced fields for your form. Once done click on the Save Form button.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Click on Additional Settings
  • Click on the Embed button and the Embed form section will appear. Here you can select an existing page or create a new one to show the form also you can copy the shortcode and paste it on any page or post.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Copy Shortcode

2. Configure Dynamics Object Mapping using Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM Plugin:

  • If you haven’t yet configured the plugin to connect with your Dynamics 365 Online, you can follow the guide.
  • Now navigate to Form Integration tab in the plugin.
  • Select Gravity Form from the select form dropdown.
  • Click on Add New Mapping button.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Add New mapping
  • Select Gravity forms from the dropdown and click on Save button.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Select gravity form
  • Then Select Dynamics 365 object from the dropdown and click on Save button.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Select Dynamics 365 object
  • Map required and optional fields of selected dynamics object to form fields of Gravity form. You can add additional mapping for optional attributes by clicking on Add New Mapping button.
  • Once all the fields are filled click on Save.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Add New Mapping
miniorange img How to send form data to dynamics object/table?
  • Navigate to the page where you’ve embedded the form.
  • Enter all the details and click on submit.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Click on submit
  • Your form data is now synced to the respective dynamics object/table as a new entry.
  • Dynamics 365 integration with WP Gravity Form plugin | Synced form data

You have successfully achieved WordPress Gravity Form Sync to Dynamics 365 CRM.

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