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Shopify OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) using iMIS as an Identity Provider

miniOrange lets users perfom Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using iMIS credentials with the help of Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) application. Our app is compatible with all the SAML / OAuth-compliant identity providers. We will go through the below step-by-step guide to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using iMIS as IdP (Identity Provider) and Shopify store as SP (Service Provider).

The Shopify SSO plugin offers advanced features such as attribute mapping and role mapping. Additionally, it offers complete protection for your Shopify store using Single Sign-On (SSO). IMIS OAuth SSO enhances user authentication and secures the login process effectively.

To configure SSO into Shopify using iMIS as an identity provider (IDP), you will need to install the miniOrange Shopify Single Sign-On - SSO Login Application on your store.

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Check out our video, to know more about how Single-Sign-On works in Shopify.

Follow the step-by-step guide for Single Sign-On in Shopify store using iMIS as an identity provider

  • Go to your Shopify store, navigate to the App section, and click on Single Sign On - SSO login application.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Add SSO Application

  • Click on the Add Identity Provider button to add your IDP.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Add Identity Provider

  • Select OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Select OAuth Protocol

  • Now choose iMIS from the list of identity providers (IDPs).
Shopify iMIS SSO - Select iMIS as identity provider

  • Copy the OAuth Callback URL and keep it handy as it will be used in further steps.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Get Callback URL
  • Log in to the iMIS Developer Console from here.
  • To create a new application, go to Settings -> Contacts -> Client Applications.
  • In Client Applications, click on Add Client application.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Add client application

  • Enter the required details and click on the Save button.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Enter Client ID and Secret

  • After successfully creating a new application, create a new Single Sign-On content item by following the below steps:
    • Go to RISE > Page Builder > Manage content.
    • Create a new content record (New > Website Content).
    • Give the content record a Title.
    • From a content record, select Add content.
    • Open the Contact folder, then select the Single Sign-On content item.
    Shopify iMIS SSO - Select Single Sign-On content

    • Select the desired Client application.
    Shopify iMIS SSO - Select desired client application

    • Click OK, then click on Save & Publish.
    • Open the Single Sign-On content that you just created. After opening it, copy the Publish location and keep it handy (this will be the authorization endpoint).
    Shopify iMIS SSO - Copy Publish Location

You've successfully configured Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) with iMIS as an OAuth Provider, allowing users to use Shopify SSO login into your Shopify store with their iMIS credentials.

  • Navigate back to the miniOrange Single Sign On-SSO application and click on Add identity Provider button.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Add SSO Application

  • Select OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Select OAuth Protocol

  • From the list of identity providers (IDPs), select iMIS.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Select iMIS as Identity Provider

  • Fill out the following fields by referring the below table.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Fill in Client ID and Secret

IdP Display Name Choose appropriate Name
OAuth Authorize Endpoint https://<your-iMIS-domain>/openid/authenticate
OAuth Access Token Endpoint https://<your-iMIS-domain>/openid/token
Get User Info Endpoint https://<your-iMIS-domain>/openid/userinfo
Scope openid profile email
  • After saving the identity provider (IDP) configuration, you will be redirected to Test Connection step.
  • Please perform Test Connection before mapping or fetching attributes, test connection ensures that your identity provider (IDP) configuration is correct.
  • Click on the Test Connection button.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Click Test Connection

  • On entering valid iMIS credentials you will see a pop-up window which is shown in the below screen.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Test Connection with iMIS

  • Click on the Fetch Attributes button to fetch the identity provider (IDP) attribute.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Fetch identity provider attributes
  • Click on the + Attribute Mapping button to map attributes between Shopify and iMIS.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Add Attribute Mapping

  • Map the attributes by refering the table below:
Shopify iMIS SSO - Map the iMIS attributes

Attribute Name in Shopify Choose the attribute from the list of predefined attributes
Attribute Type IDP Attribute
Attribute Value Select the attribute value you have fetched from your IDP
  • Click on Save.
Shopify iMIS SSO - Save attribute mapping
More FAQs ➔

Follow the steps outlined here to configure SSO in Shopify with your preferred IDP.

Redirection to any other site might be blocked in the browser. Please follow the steps given here to resolve the issue.

Follow the steps outlined here to redirect your customer to collections/cart or any other page.

You must upgrade to the SSO application’s Enterprise plan to enable the Auto-Redirect to the IDP feature. Follow the steps outlined here to enable this feature.

Please reach out to us at, and our team will assist you with setting up the Shopify SSO application. Our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.

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