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Cognito Integration with Joomla OAuth Client

Integrating AWS Cognito with Joomla using the Joomla OAuth & OpenId Connect Client Single Sign-On Plugin is a simple and effective way to add user authentication and authorization to the Joomla website. With this integration, you can provide your users with a seamless sign-up and sign-in experience, while also ensuring that their data is secure and easily managed

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Integrating AWS Cognito with Joomla

Use Cases for Cognito Integrator

Login using AWS Cognito

Registration using AWS Cognito

Profile Sync between Joomla and AWS

Profile Reset using Joomla Integrator

User Registration in Cognito User Pools from Joomla Site


In this use case we are integrating AWS Cognito with a Joomla website to enable user registration using a registration form created with any different forms. The registration form will contain all the necessary input fields required, such as first name, last name, email, and password. Users will register using this form, and the Joomla AWS Cognito integrator will handle all the backend work to add the user to the Cognito user pool seamlessly.


Let's take the example of a Joomla website that requires user registration to access its content. The customer wants to use AWS Cognito to manage user registration and authentication, making it easier for users to sign up and log in. To achieve this, they will use any forms to create a user registration form.
The registration form will include the following input fields: (example)

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Password

Once the user submits the registration form, the Joomla Cognito integrator will handle all the administrative work to add the user to the Cognito user pool. This includes creating a new user in the user pool and assigning the user a unique identifier.
To add email/phone number verification during registration, customers can configure Cognito to send a verification code to the user's email/phone number. The user will need to enter this code on the registration form to complete the registration process.
To enable Profile Update and Password Reset features, the customer can use the Joomla Cognito integrator to add the necessary forms to the Joomla site. These forms can be customized to include the user's profile information and to reset the user's password using Cognito's password reset feature.

Login users into Joomla without redirecting them to Cognito


In this use-case we are integrating AWS Cognito with a Joomla website to allow users to login without being redirected to the Cognito login page. This is useful when you want to customize the login form design with CSS of your own choosing, which Cognito does not allow. It is also beneficial if you want to develop a Joomla login form that authenticates users from Cognito and not redirect them to Cognito for Single Sign-On (SSO).


Let's take the example of a user who wants to access the Joomla website and a customer who wants to authenticate this user and then the user can access the Joomla website. The customer wants to use AWS Cognito as OAuth Server to manage user authentication and provide Single Sign-On (SSO). To achieve this, they will use the Joomla OAuth Client/OIDC plugin to enable users to log in to Joomla without redirecting them to Cognito.
The customer can customize the Joomla login form using CSS to create a unique design that matches their Joomla theme. The Joomla OAuth Client/OIDC plugin will handle the login from the Joomla default login form, which means users can login without being redirected to the Cognito login page.
To enable this functionality, the customer will need to configure the Joomla OAuth Client plugin with AWC Cognito to authenticate users from Cognito as OAuth Server. This involves configuring the Cognito user pool settings in the Joomla OAuth Client plugin and mapping the Cognito user attributes to the Joomla user attributes.
If the customer is using a third-party/custom login form, they will need to check with the Joomla OAuth Client plugin's support team to see whether it is supported or compatible with existing solutions or if it requires customization.

Multiple Joomla Sites Using Cognito for User Management


Managing multiple Joomla sites can be a consuming work, especially when it comes to user management. It requires maintaining separate login and registration systems for each application, which can be more time-consuming and error-prone. In order to improve this process and provide a seamless user experience across multiple Joomla sites, AWS Cognito can be integrated with the Joomla sites. The Joomla OAuth Client will handle the user registration and authentication processes, allowing users to have a single set of login credentials that work across all the sites.


Suppose you have three Joomla sites: Site A, Site B, and Site C. Each site has its own user registration and login forms, which makes it difficult to manage users across all three sites. You want to provide a seamless experience for your users, allowing them to register once and use the same login credentials for all three sites. This is where AWS Cognito Integrator along with Joomla OAuth Client comes in.
With the Joomla OAuth Client plugin, you can create a user pool in Cognito and configure it to work with all three Joomla sites. Users can register on any of the sites using the Joomla registration form, and their credentials will be stored in the Cognito user pool. When they log in to any of the sites, they will be authenticated using the Cognito user pool, allowing them to access all three sites seamlessly.
This use case can be customized to support any number of Joomla sites and registration forms. The Joomla OAuth Client will need to be configured based on your specific requirements, including the number of sites you are using, the registration form you are using, and any additional customizations you require.

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