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ComponentSpace Vs miniOrange

ComponentSpace ASP.NET SSO comparison with miniOrange ASP.NET SSO

ComponentSpace and miniOrange are popular organizations which provides various SSO solutions in the ASP.NET domain. This differentiating document is based on our experience and customer feedback across many platforms (Azure MarketPlace), which depict how miniOrange is the best ComponentSpace alternative compared to other SSO solutions.

Why should you consider miniOrange ASP.NET SSO instead of ComponentSpace ASP.NET SSO?

Easy Integrations

Lack of documentation leads to a lot of wastage of time in finding resources from forums to resolve errors

24x7 Customer Support

Set up procedure is difficult and generally requires on experienced developer for it.

Cost Effective

miniOrange will provide the best cost cutting pricing modules for all its customers and reduces huge additional expenses for enabling new features as comapred to ComponentSpace

ComponentSpace vs miniOrange Features

Complex instructions
The instructions offered by ComponentSpace are hard to understand, so users might need the help of developers to set it up and make any changes later on. However with miniOrange, the installation is not only a “Single-Click Process“ but also the setup guides are concise.

If you’re looking for a SAML Single Sign On (SSO) solution for your ASP.NET Applications, it’s important to check how much it costs. The premium version of ComponentSpace costs more compared to the one offered by miniOrange. The enterprise version of miniOrange SSO is more cost-effective in contrast to buying a single developer license from ComponentSpace. It offers a lot for less money, which makes miniOrange an ideal choice for businesses looking for an affordable and effective SSO solution.

Quick & Simple Installation
Setting up ComponentSpace SSO is quite a challenge due to the complex guidelines and steps that need to be followed. This forces users to buy a support plan to figure it out. On the flip side, miniOrange setup guides are simple and easy to understand. You can set up SSO easily with it in no time.

License Type
ComponentSpace offers a perpetual license that lasts forever, but it fails to provide regular updates as per your business requirements. miniOrange, on the other hand, provides a license that is based on a yearly subscription. With this, you get regular updates and new features.

24 x 7 Support
ComponentSpace gives assistance within 24 hours but fails to provide all-time support. While miniOrange promises 24x7 support, which means you can reach us anytime using phone calls, emails, and video meets.

ComponentSpace vs miniOrange Comparision


miniOrange logo
ComponentSpace logo

Enterprise Price - $649

Enterprice Price - $4999

License Type

Subscription Based [ Will get regular Upgrades ]


Fast and Easy installation step

Easier Steps

Complicated Steps

24 X 7 responsive customer support across the globe

24X7 Support

Support within 24 hours

Well documentation guides for all use cases and setup guides

Supports different ASP.NET CMS like DNN, nopCommerce, Umbraco, Kentico and many more

Component Space don’t give solution for CMS .

Additional Features

Multi-tenant applications support, domain restriction, federation support.

Basic SAML SSO feature set

Need Help?

Want to integrate your ASP.NET applications? Mail us on and we'll help you set up ASP.NET SSO with your application. and for quick guidance (via email/meeting) on your requirement and our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.

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