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Guide to Setup Diaspora as an OpenID Connect Server

If you want users to login to your WordPress site using their Diaspora credentials, you can simply do it using our WP OAuth Client plugin. Once you configure the Diaspora with WordPress plugin, you can allow users to SSO to your WordPress site using Diaspora. Similarly, you can map your WordPress roles based on your Diaspora attributes/groups. To know more about other features we provide in WP OAuth Client plugin, you can click here.

You can download OAuth Client plugin using the following link.

Guide to configure Diaspora with WordPress :

  • To create a Client in Diaspora, you need to make an API call.
  • You need API testing tool to make an API call. You can use Postman, you can download it from here.
  • Install and open the Postman application. Skip the Sign in part. You'll be presented with the following screen. Click on Create a request.
  • diaspora single sign-on(sso) wordpress
  • Now, change the request type to POST by clicking on drop-down besides the URL field. Enter the following URL in the URL field.

    https://<your-diaspora-domain>/api/openid_connect/clients Enter the following key-value pairs under the Params menu and click on Send.

    redirect_uris[] Redirect/Callback URL from miniOrange OAuth client plugin
    client_name Your application name
  • diaspora single sign-on(sso) wordpress
  • Scroll down to find the response under the Body section. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and save it in your miniOrange Client plugin configuration.
  • diaspora single sign-on(sso) wordpress
  • You have successfully completed your Diaspora OpenID Connect Server side configuration.

  • Diaspora Endpoints and Scope :

    Client ID :  from the step 5 above
    Client Secret :  from the step 5 above
    Scope:  openid
    Authorize Endpoint: https://<your-diaspora-domain>/api/openid_connect/authorizations/new
    Access Token Endpoint: https://<your-diaspora-domain>/api/openid_connect/access_tokens

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