Download Schedule a Meeting Installation Steps Using Composer Using Drush Manual Installation Download the module: composer require 'drupal/oauth_server_sso' Go to Extend menu on your Drupal admin console and enable the module by enabling the checkbox and click on Install button. Configure the module at: {BaseURL}/admin/config/people/oauth_server_sso/config_client Install the module: drush en oauth_server_sso Clear the cache: drush cr Configure the module at: {BaseURL}/admin/config/people/oauth_server_sso/config_client Navigate to Extend menu on your Drupal admin console and click on Install new module. Install the Drupal OAuth / OIDC Provider - Single Sign On (SSO) module either by downloading the zip or from the URL of the package (tar/zip). Click on Enable newly added modules. Enable this module by checking the checkbox and click on Install button. Configure the module at {BaseURL}/admin/config/people/oauth_server_sso/config_client