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Embed SharePoint Library in WordPress Media Library

SharePoint WordPress Integration. SharePoint is a web-based collaboration platform part of Microsoft’s suite of Office 365 apps, that allows for easy collaboration by way of sharing files, folders, notes, and many other documents with your team/within your organization. Being a part of Microsoft’s O365 productivity app suite, it integrates with not only Microsoft’s other O365 apps, Azure AD/B2C instances, but also several other external platforms like WordPress as well. And considering the flexibility of WordPress as a CMS to serve content in various forms, integrating SharePoint with it, to sync and display from SharePoint files & advanced custom fields data to your WP site.


  • You have a SharePoint instance, to which, teams and employees within your organization can share files, folders, and other documents.
  • You want these SharePoint documents to be accessed from the media library of your WordPress site.
  • Upon being able to access the SharePoint files, you also want them to be able to be downloaded from the WordPress media library.

Components involved

  1. WordPress Embed SharePoint Documents plugin allows WordPress to be integrated with SharePoint, enabling seamless files access.

  2. WordPress Embed SharePoint OneDrive Documents plugin allows you to embed sharepoint documents/files on your wordpress site.

     Tested with 6.5


In this setup, WordPress acts as a Service Provider from which users can access SharePoint files and documents as downloadable files from the media library.

  • The WordPress Embed SharePoint Documents plugin will be installed on the WordPress site, which allows WordPress to integrate with your SharePoint instance.
  • The plugin facilitates real-time, scheduled WordPress sync that can be set up to run periodically after set intervals.
  • Everytime the sync job is run, the SharePoint REST APIs sync all the SharePoint data like file changes, names, access, added files/folders, etc. from SharePoint and synchronizes the same to be available in WordPress media library.
  • It also maps the data changes of all the SharePoint data, such as file renaming, media updates, etc. to their equivalent files in WordPress, maintaining the data integrity and keeping everything in sync on the WordPress side.
  • All synced files/folders, custom posts, etc. will have the option to fetch their URL within your WordPress instance, which allows you to either view your files or directly download them by changing the download URL parameter download=1.
  • The user is then assigned to a pre-existing group in Keycloak.

  • SharePoint WP Embedded | WP SharePoint Integration

End user experience

  • After installing, configuring the WordPress SharePoint plugin, and setting the scheduled sync interval, all the SharePoint data will be synced into WordPress and allow the files to be available for download from within the WP media library.
  • With the Get URL functionality, the synchronized SharePoint files can be either viewed or downloaded by altering the URL parameters.
Integration with ACF
  • The SharePoint WordPress Embed plugin easily integrates with the ACF plugin which allows you to create and store various media types as advanced custom fields in WordPress.
  • This allows you to sync this data between SharePoint and WordPress such that any media/files/folders used as custom fields with ACF can be synchronized with SharePoint.

The WordPress Embed SharePoint Documents plugin allows for seamless WordPress SharePoint integration, and syncs all data from SharePoint into WordPress. The plugin also works with SharePoint REST APIs to sync all SharePoint files/folders such that they are accessible from the WordPress media library and also can be downloaded separately.

If you have any custom requirement, please contact us at and we will help you achieve your use case.

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