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Step by step guide to configure SSO

Step 1: Download and install miniOrange OAuth Client

From your WordPress dashboard

  • Click on PluginsAdd New tab.
  • Search for OAuth Login (OAuth Client) plugin. Install the plugin.

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  • Activate OAuth Client by miniOrange from your Plugins page.

Step 2: Configure OAuth client

  • After activating OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth client) plugin go to miniOrange OAuth.
  • Click on Select Application to search your OAuth Provider application or click on your OAuth Provider application from the given applications.
  • If your Application/ Server Name is not there in default list. You can click on Custom OAuth 2.0 App or Custom OpenID Connect App to add custom OAuth/OpenID Connect Server.
  • Configure OAuth application in intercom using the Callback/Redirect Url (refer screenshot below).

  • Fill in the configuration details below from received configuration details from intercom

    Client ID : Received from app configured in intercom
    Client Secret : Received from app configured in intercom
    Scope:  Based on data you want to get access to e.g. email or profile
    Authorize Endpoint:Authorization endpoint of intercom
    Access Token Endpoint: Token endpoint of intercom
    Get User Info Endpoint: Resource or userinfo endpoint of intercom
  • Click on Save Settings button once you have entered all mandatory information.
  • Click on Test Configuration button to verify if you have configured correctly.
  • On successful configuration, you will get Attributes Name and Attribute Values on Test Configuration window. Map Attribute Names provided by your OAuth Server with OAuth Client Attributes given under Attribute Mapping Section and click on Save Settings.
  • Go to WordPress Menu -> Appearance -> Widget.
  • Drag and drop miniOrange OAuth widget wherever you want on your website as shown in screenshot given below.
  • Copy paste your site-URL on private window and you will be able to see Login button with display name you have given.
  • Once logged in, you will be able to access your WordPress profile.

Key Features

Auto Create Users

Auto-create User in WordPress after doing SSO with the user credentials if the user is not already present in WordPress User list.

Login using widget / link / shortcode

Use OAuth login widget /link/shortcode anywhere on your website with option to customize Login Button custom CSS.

Custom Redirect URL after login and logout

Configure the URL wherever you want to redirect users after login or after logout.

Force authentication

Restrict site to logged in user. Here, enabling restrict site to logged in user will auto redirect the user to oauth provider's login page if user is not already logged in.

Domain specific registration

Restrict the user login based on configured domains. You can allow/deny the user login based on email domain.

Multi-site Support

Access the plugin over your multiple subsites.

Account Linking

Account Linking allows to sync user accounts in WordPress database. If user already have account in WordPress, then based on common attribute plugin updates User's WordPress profile.

BuddyPress Attribute Mapping

Role mapping with BuddyPress attributes so that Buddypress roles are assigned based on OAuth groups/roles.

Dynamic Callback URL

This feature allow you to add the dynamic callback/redirect URL.

Page Restriction

Page based restrictions over users based on their roles and whether they are logged in or not.

Attribute Mapping

User can map Username, FirstName, LastName, Email, Group Name and also map custom attribute as per requirement.

Role Mapping

User to set WordPress roles based on groups/roles received in OAuth Provider response with configured mapping.

Other Grant Types We Support

Authorization code grant

Implicit Grant

Refresh Token Grant

Resource owner credentials grant (Password grant)

Client Credentials Grant


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