miniOrange Joomla Page and Article Restriction plugin allow you to restrict users from accessing particular pages or URLs and redirect them to either Joomla’s default login page, IDP login page, custom URLs or show custom error messages according to your configuration.
Pre-requisites: Download
And Installation
Install Joomla Page and Article Restriction plugin
- Download the zip file for the miniOrange Page and Article Restriction plugin from the miniOrange dashboard here .
- Login into your Joomla site’s administrator console.
- From the left toggle menu, click on System, then under Install section click on Extension.
- Upload the downloaded zip file to install the Page and Article Restriction plugin.
- Installation of plugin successful. Now click on Start Using miniOrange Page Restriction plugin.
Configure Page and Article Restriction
1. Setup Page and Article Restriction
Make sure that the enable page restriction checkbox is marked before moving on with the setup.
1.1 Auto redirect all the pages
Please select any of the following five options where you want to redirect users when they try to access any page of the site.
- Joomla Frontend Login page:
If the Joomla Frontend Login page option is selected, then the users will be redirected to the Joomla Frontend Login page whenever they try to access any site URL and after successful login they will be redirected to the same page.
- Joomla Backend Login Page:
If the Joomla Backend Login page option is selected, then the users will be redirected to the Joomla Backend Login page whenever they try to access any site URL and after successful login they will be redirected to the same page.
- Custom URL:
If the Custom URL option is selected, then the users will be redirected to the Custom URL page whenever they try to access any site URL. You need to add the Custom URL to where you want to redirect the users.
- Error Message:
If the Error Message option is selected, then the error message will show whenever users try to access any site URL. You can add any custom error message in the textbox.
You can use this option only when you have miniOrange SAML SP or miniOrange OAuth Client plugin installed on your site. If the SSO URL option is selected, then the users will be redirected to the SSO URL page whenever they try to access any site URL. You will get the SSO URL in our SAML SP or OAuth Client plugin. After successful authentication users will be redirected to same page which they want to access.
1.2 Enable page based restriction
- This feature will help you to restrict or bypass some pages or articles of Joomla.There are two options for page based restriction:
a) Whitelist URL:
- You can restrict all pages/articles other than whitelisted pages/articles of the Joomla site by selecting this option.
- Enter the URLs you want to whitelist into the textbox and select the option on how you want to restrict other pages using the dropdown.
b) Blacklist URL:
- You can restrict only blacklisted pages/articles of Joomla site by selecting this option.
- Enter the URLs you want to blacklist into the textbox and select the option for restricted URLs from the dropdown.
1.3 Enable IP based restriction
- This feature allows you to restrict or bypass access to your Joomla site for specific IP addresses.
- There are two options for IP based restriction:
a) Whitelist IPs:
- All users with IPs other than whitelisted IPs are restricted from accessing your Joomla site.
- Enter the IPs you want to whitelist into the textbox and select the option on how you want to restrict other IPs using the dropdown.
b)Blacklist IPs:
- By selecting this option, you can restrict access to your Joomla site to only users with blacklisted IP addresses.
- Enter the IPs you want to blacklist into the textbox and select the option for restricted IPs from the dropdown.
1.4 Enable IP based Restriction for backend
- This feature allows you to restrict or bypass access to the backend of your Joomla site for specific IP addresses.
a) Whitelist IPs for Backend:
- All users with IPs other than whitelisted IPs are restricted from accessing the backend of your Joomla site.
- Enter the IPs you want to whitelist into the textbox and select the option on how you want to restrict other IPs using the dropdown.
b) Black list IPs for Backend:
- By selecting this option, you can restrict access to the backend of your Joomla site to only users with blacklisted IP addresses.
- Enter the IPs you want to blacklist into the textbox and select the option for restricted IPs from the dropdown.
1.5 Backdoor URL
- You can access your backend using this URL even if you restrict your complete site.
Note: You can not use Auto redirect all the pages and Enable page based restriction feature at the same time.