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Joomla Single Sign-On for
Educational Institutes

miniOrange Joomla SSO solutions for Educational Institutes supports a range of Learning Management Systems (LMS) portals, including ClassLink, Clever, Canvas, Sensei, TutorLMS, Google Classroom, and many more. This means that users can access multiple LMS portals with a single set of credentials, eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords

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Joomla Single Sign-On (SSO) for Educational Institutes

About Us

With our SSO solution, users can sign in to a Joomla site with a single set of credentials using OAuth/OIDC Protocol, simplifying the login process and improving the user experience.

One of the key advantages of miniOrange OAuth SSO solution for education is that it allows administrators to define the level of access for every user based on their role in the system. This helps to ensure that sensitive data and resources are only accessible to authorized personnel, reducing the risk of data breaches or other security issues.

Why would you need Single Sign-On?

Joomla Single Sign-On by miniOrange

Educational institutes often have multiple Learning Management Systems (LMS) portals and other online resources that students and faculty need to access. With the traditional login method, users are required to remember multiple usernames and passwords, which can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. This is where Single Sign-On (SSO) comes in. Education providers such as schools, colleges, and universities are the foundation of learning, growth, and development for young generations across the globe. Most educational institutions and school campuses now have Internet access. Teachers now face the growing challenge of managing such a huge number of logins for so many students as a result of the rising use of online learning.

With the help of these Instant Logins, teachers and students can access the majority of the most used apps in today's classrooms with single sign-on or a simple dashboard login. This service is exceptional since it links the sign-on panel with numerous online learning management systems, eliminating the requirement for each student to log in more than once. In addition, SSO can provide educational institutes with centralized access control, which means that administrators can easily manage user access to multiple applications or systems from a single location.

Single sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication process that allows a user to log in to multiple applications or systems with a single set of credentials. With SSO, users no longer need to remember and enter multiple usernames and passwords, which can save time and reduce the risk of password-related security issues.

The OAuth protocol is an industry-standard protocol for user authentication and authorization. OAuth allows a user to grant access to their data on one website or application to another website or application, without sharing their username and password. This improves security and reduces the risk of data breaches or other security issues.

The OIDC protocol, or OpenID Connect protocol, is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It is designed to enable authentication and authorization for web and mobile applications. OIDC provides a standardized way for users to authenticate with a third-party identity provider, such as Google or Facebook, and then obtain an access token that can be used to access protected resources on the application.

Key Features

OAuth Single Sign-On

Allow students and faculties to authenticate using the OAuth Provider/ Server used in the schools/universities and access all Joomla sites without re-entering credentials for authentication into Joomla each site

Multisite Single Sign-On

Enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for an educational multisite of Joomla network or for individual subsites to allow authentication with the school’s OAuth Provider

Profile/Attributes Mapping

Allow user information from the OAuth Server to be viewed as profile information for teachers, students, staff, etc. on the Joomla site

Group-based Content Access

Enable students access to resources or content, depending on the groups to which they belong in the OAuth Server which is used by educational institutions such as schools or universities

Provisioning / Deprovisioning of Users

Create, Update, Disable, or Delete student and faculty data in real-time on the Joomla site depending on User present in OAuth Provider

Groups-based Subsite Access

Allow access to students/teachers of Joomla subsites based on their groups assigned in the OAuth Provider

Support for Joomla LMS

Integrate Single Sign-On with any Joomla LMS like Learndash, LearnPress, TutorLMS, MemberPress, Teachable, etc. and allow students to login with their OAuth Server credentials

Multiple OAuth Provider SSO

Configure Single Sign-On into the Joomla sites of schools/universities using multiple OAuth Servers like Shibboleth, AzureAD, GSuite/Google Workspace, etc

Use Cases

Central OAuth Server Login for Multiple Joomla sites of a College/University

Joomla SSO for Educational Institutes


Consider that the University / college has several Joomla websites and web applications that students, faculty, and staff members need to access. For example, there may be a learning management system (LMS), a library portal, a student information system (SIS), and a research database. Each of these Joomla websites requires users to create separate accounts with unique usernames and passwords. This creates a headache for users who need to remember multiple login credentials and for the IT department who need to manage and secure all these accounts. To simplify the login process, the college can implement a Central OAuth Server Single Sign-On with these Joomla websites. This server acts as a single sign-on solution, allowing users to log in once and access to all the connected Joomla websites and applications without needing to enter separate login credentials for each one.


A user navigates to one of the college's websites that is connected to the Central OAuth Server. The user clicks on the "Login with College ID" button. The user is redirected to the Central OAuth Server's login page, where they enter their college email address and password. The Central OAuth Server authenticates the user's credentials and issues an access token. The user is redirected back to the original website, where the access token is used to grant them access to the site's content and features. By using a Central OAuth Server, the college can simplify the login process for its users while also increasing security by reducing the number of login credentials that need to be managed and secured. Additionally, it can provide a seamless user experience across multiple sites, making it easier for students, faculty, and staff members to access the resources they need to succeed.

Central OAuth Server Login for Multiple Joomla sites of a College/University


Consider a university with multiple colleges, each of which has its own OAuth Provider for managing user identities. For example, there might be a College of MBA, a College of Engineering, and a College of Arts and Sciences. Each college has its own set of web applications and resources that are specific to its students, faculty, and staff members. However, there are also university-wide resources which are created on Joomla websites that are beneficial for all students, such as a library portal, a career services center, and a student health center. To access these university-wide resources (applications or websites), students must currently log in to that website by using their college-specific OAuth Provider’s credentials. To simplify this process, the university can implement a Central identity management system using the OAuth protocol. This would allow each college's OAuth Provider to be connected to a Central OAuth Provider, which can manage user identities and provide secure access to the university-wide resources (i.e Joomla websites or Applications)

Joomla SSO for Educational Institutes


A student navigates to the central site that contains all the university resources. The student clicks on a link to access a specific resource, such as the library portal. The central site redirects the student to the OAuth Provider login page. The student selects their college's OP from a drop-down menu on the OAuth Provider login page. The student is redirected to their college's OAuth Provider login page, where they enter their college-specific login credentials. The college's OAuth Provider authenticates the student's credentials and generates an access token. The college's OAuth Provider sends the access token back to the Central OAuth Provider. The Central OAuth Provider verifies the access token and issues a security token. The Central OAuth Provider redirects the student back to the central university site, along with the security token. The central university site verifies the security token with the Central OAuth Provider. If the security token is valid, the central site grants the student access to the requested resource.
By using a Central identity management system with OAuth protocol, the university can simplify the login process for students while also increasing security by reducing the number of login credentials that need to be managed and secured. Additionally, it can provide a seamless user experience across multiple colleges and university-wide resources, making it easier for students to access the resources they need to succeed.

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