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Setup Guide to configure miniOrange User Provisioning ( SCIM ) into Magento | Magento SCIM

The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is an open standard HTTP based protocol for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains, or IT systems. SCIM aims to simplify user provisioning and management in the cloud. For example, as an Identity Provider add, update and delete the user, they are added, updated and removed from the Magento User Profile. To achieve this functionality miniOrange provides the User Provisioner with SCIM standard.

If your users are using both miniOrange and Magento 2 website, it is preferred to have all users updated in Magento 2 site without login each time to update user list. miniOrange provides a solution which allows user provisioning into Magento website using SCIM standard.

miniOrange provides a solution by introducing a Magento extenstion to support miniOrange User Provisioning and allows user to access your website by using their miniOrange account credential to login into Magento. User Provisioning & Sync extension also allows provisioning with custom Providers. User Provisioning & Sync extention works with any IDP that conforms to the SCIM standard.

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

Installation using Composer:
  • Purchase the miniOrange User Provisioning & Sync extension from magento marketplace.
  • Go to My profile -> My Purchases
  • Please ensure you are using correct access keys (My Profile - Access Keys)
  • Paste the access keys in your auth.json file inside your project
  • Use the below command to add the extension to your project.
    "composer require {module_name}:{version}"
  • You can see the module name and list of versions in the selector below the extension module name.
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension.
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Manual Installation:
  • Download the miniOrange User Provisioning & Sync extension.
  • Unzip all contents of the zip inside the MiniOrange/SCIM directory.
  • {Root Directory of Magento} app code MiniOrange SCIM
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Steps to configure Magento as SCIM Server and miniOrange as SCIM Client (miniOrange Automatic User Sync and Provision with Magento)

1. Configure Magento as SCIM Server

  • Navigate to the SCIM Configuration tab to find the SCIM Base URL and SCIM Bearer Token, which you will keep handy.
  • Magento User Provisioning and Sync - Copy the SCIM Base URL and SCIM Bearer Token

2. Automatic Provisioning with miniOrange

Case 1: Only Provisioning (Just want to enable provisioning through miniOrange)
  • Login into your miniOrange Admin console.
  • Navigate to the Apps section in the left side.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Select Apps
  • Click on + Add Application button.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Click on Add Application
  • Then select PROVISIONING.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Select Provisioning and click on Create App
  • Enter your Custom Application Name, SCIM Base URL and Bearer token copied from the SCIM Configuration tab of the Magento User Provisioning & Sync extenstion.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Enable API Integration
  • You can also send your desired attributes from your IDP to Drupal by simply adding the Target Attributes and selecting the value of those attributes in miniOrange Attributes.
  • Note: The following attributes are required for SCIM User Provisioning in Magento.

    Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Add Attribute
  • Click on Save.
Case 2: If you want user provisioning (SCIM) using SAML SSO
  • Navigate to the Apps -> + Add Application -> SAML/WS-FED.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Select SAML/WS-FED and click on Create App
  • Here you can search for Magento, then select Magento (SAML).
  • SAML Single Sign-On(SSO) for Magento - miniOrange SSO Login miniorange app type
  • Enter Custom Application Name as per your choice.
  • Note: Click here if you have configured miniOrange as IDP and Magento as Service Provider.

    SAML Single Sign-On(SSO) for Magento - miniOrange SSO Login miniorange app type
  • Go to the Provisioning tab and Enter SCIM Base URL, Bearer token copied from the SCIM Configuration tab of the Magento User Provisioning & Sync extension.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Enter SCIM Base URL & Bearer Token
  • You can also send your desired attributes from your IDP to Magento by simply adding the Target Attributes and selecting the value of those attributes in miniOrange Attributes.
  • Note: The following attributes are required for SCIM User Provisioning in Magento.

    Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Add Attribute
  • Click on Save.

3. Enable Provisioning Features

  • This feature allows you to enable automatic provisioning / de-provisioning of users in the app when a user gets created, updated or deleted in miniOrange.
  • Click on the toggle switch of the feature you want to provide with automatic provisioning or de-provisioning.
  • Drupal miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning - Enable Provisioning Features Create, Delete, Update

4. Attribute Mapping

  • In the Magento User Provisioning & Sync extension, navigate to the Attribute Mapping tab.
  • In the Attribute Mapping section, enter the information and click on Save .
  • Centrify User Provisioning and Sync - SCIM Azure Application

24*7 Active Support

If you face any issues or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at In case you want some additional features to be included in the extension, please get in touch with us, and we can get that custom-made for you. Also, If you want, we can also schedule an online meeting to help you configure the Magento SCIM User Provisioning extension.

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