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Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) in WordPress with OAuth Authentication

Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login for WordPress uses OAuth Authorization flow to provide users secure access to WordPress site. With our WordPress OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin, Salesforce acts as the OpenID Connect and OAuth provider, ensuring secure login for WordPress websites.

The integration of WordPress with Salesforce simplifies and secures the login process using Salesforce OAuth. This solution allows employees to access their WordPress sites with Single Sign-On (SSO) using their Salesforce credentials, completely removing the need to store, remember, and reset multiple passwords.

In addition to offering Salesforce SSO login functionality, the WordPress SSO plugin extends its support to a various IDPs, including Azure AD, Office 365, and specialized providers, offering robust SSO capabilities like multi-tenant login, role mapping, and user profile attribute mapping. For further insights into the array of features we offer within the WP OAuth & OpenID Connect Client plugin, kindly refer here. You can follow the below steps to setup Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login with WordPress.

Prerequisites: Download and Installation

  • Log into your WordPress instance as an admin.
  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins and click on Add New.
  • Search for a WordPress OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin and click on Install Now.
  • Once installed click on Activate.

Steps to configure Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) Login into WordPress OAuth

1. Setup Salesforce as OAuth Provider

  • Login to your SalesForce account.
  • Switch to the SalesForce Classic mode from profile menu, and then go to the Setup page.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - switch classic mode Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - go to setup
  • From the left panel, under Build section go to Create > Apps.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - Create Salesforce App
  • Scroll down and click on the New button under Connected apps.
  •  Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - connected apps
  • You will be taken to the application settings page. Enter the required details such as Connected App Name, API Name and Contact Email.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - enter required details
  • Check the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox under API(Enable OAuth Settings) section and you will be shown more options to configure.
  • Enter the Callback URL (copy it from the plugin), select the Scopes as required. Make sure that the same scopes are also added in miniOrange Oauth Client plugin and then scroll all the way to the bottom to click on Save.

  • Note:If you are using the free version of the OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin, uncheck the PKCE flow option, as this feature is not available in the free version.

    Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - add callback url & Scopes
  • You will be taken to the Application Management page. Here, you will find Consumer key(Client ID) and Consumer Secret(Client Secret).
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - sumer ID

In conclusion, by successfully configuring Salesforce as OAuth Provider, you have enabled seamless Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) and authorization for your end users into WordPress.

2. Setup WordPress as OAuth Client

  • Go to Configure OAuth tab and click Add New Application to add a new client application into your website.
  • Salesforce  Single Sign-On (SSO) OAuth - Add new application
  • Choose your Application from the list of OAuth / OpenID Connect Providers, Here Salesforce.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - Select Application
  • After selecting the provider copy the Callback URL which needs to be configured in OAuth Provider's SSO application configuration.
  • Enter the Client Credentials like Client ID & Client Secret which you will get from the Salesforce SSO application.
  • Please refer to the table below for configuring the Scope & Endpoints for Salesforce in the plugin.
  • Client ID : Click Here
    Client Secret : Click Here
    Scope: openid profile email
    Authorize Endpoint: {salesforce-domain}/services/oauth2/authorize
    Access Token Endpoint: {salesforce-domain}/services/oauth2/token
    Get User Info Endpoint: {salesforce-domain}/services/oauth2/userinfo
    Custom redirect URL after logout:[optional] https://<domain>

    Note: Make sure you are adding the correct salesforce domain.

    1. For Salesforce application - replace {salesforce-domain} in above endpoints with
    2. For Salesforce community - replace the {salesforce-domain} with your salesforce community domain.

    Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - Callback URL
  • Verify the configuration details and click on Finish to save the configuration.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - Finish configuration

In conclusion, by successfully configuring WordPress as OAuth Client, you have enabled seamless Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) and authorization for your end users into WordPress.

3. User Attribute Mapping

  • User Attribute Mapping is mandatory for enabling users to successfully Single Sign-On (SSO) into WordPress using Salesforce SSO login. We will be setting up user profile attributes for WordPress using the below settings.
  • Finding user attributes

    • Go to Configure OAuth tab. Scroll down and click on Test Configuration.
    • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - gifuration
    • You will see all the values returned by your OAuth Provider to WordPress in a table. If you don't see value for First Name, Last Name, Email or Username, make the required settings in your OAuth Provider to return this information.
    • Once you see all the values in Test Configuration, go to Attribute / Role Mapping tab, you will get the list of attributes in a Username dropdown.
    • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - e/role mapping

4: Role Mapping [Premium]

  • Click on “Test Configuration” and you will get the list of Attribute Names and Attribute Values that are sent by your OAuth provider.
  • From the Test Configuration window, map the Attribute Names in the Attribute Mapping section of the plugin. Refer to the screenshot for more details.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - ute mapping
  • Enable Role Mapping: To enable Role Mapping, you need to map Group Name Attribute. Select the attribute name from the list of attributes which returns the roles from your provider application.
    Eg: Role

  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - onfiguration - role mapping
  • Assign WordPress role to the Provider role: Based on your provider application, you can allocate the WordPress role to your provider roles. It can be a student, teacher, administrator or any other depending on your application. Add the provider roles under Group Attribute Value and assign the required WordPress role in front of it under WordPress Role.

    For example, in the below image. Teacher has been assigned the role of Administrator & Student is assigned the role of Subscriber.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - onfiguration - role mapping
  • Once you save the mapping, the provider role will be assigned the WordPress administrator role after Salesforce SSO Login.
    Example: As per the given example, Users with role ‘teacher’ will be added as Administrator in WordPress and ‘student’ will be added as Subscriber.

5. Steps to add Custom Claims in Salesforce

  • Login to your SalesForce account & switch to the SalesForce Classic mode from the profile menu, and then go to the Setup page.
  • Under the Build section go to Customize > Users and add a new User Custom Field.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - er Custom Field
  • From the left panel, under the Build section go to Create > Apps.
  • Go to Connected Apps and then Click on the Edit of the SSO application.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - on Edit
  • After opening the application, scroll down to the bottom and search for Custom Attributes.
  • Create a new attribute as shown below.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - w attribute
  • In the Key, you can set any name as per your choice.
  • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - y
  • Then click on Insert Field -> $Users -> Seach for the custom field that you've created (for e.g. "isAdmin"). click on Insert. Save the settings.
  • Note: If you are not getting the custom field in the $Users, then you can check in the $Organization, $Profile, $System, or $UserRole.

    Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login -  field
  • After configuring the above Configuration in Salesforce, perform the Test Configuration and you will see receiving the custom fields.

6. Sign In Settings

  • The settings in Single Sign-On (SSO) Settings tab define the user experience for Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO). To add a Salesforce SSO login widget on your WordPress page, you need to follow the below steps.
    • Go to WordPress Left Panel > Appearances > Widgets.
    • Select miniOrange OAuth. Drag and drop to your favourite location and save.
    •  Salesforce  Single Sign-on (SSO) - WordPress create-newclient login button setting
    • Go to WordPress Left Panel > Appearances > Widgets.
    • Select miniOrange OAuth. Drag and drop to your favourite location and save.
    • Salesforce  Single Sign-on (SSO) - WordPress create-newclient login button setting
    • Open your WordPress page and you can see the Salesforce SSO login button there. You can test the Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - >
    • Make sure the "Show on login page" option is enabled for your application. (Refer to the below image)
    • Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - ess create-newclient login button setting
    • Now, go to your WordPress Login page. (Eg. https://< your-wordpress-domain >/wp-login.php)
    • You will see an Salesforce SSO login button there. Once you click the login button, you will be able to test the Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login - Salesforce  Single Sign-on (SSO) - WordPress create-newclient login button setting

In conclusion, after successfully configuring Salesforce as an OAuth Provider and WordPress as an OAuth Client, you've achieved a smooth and secure authentication process for your users. Through Salesforce Single Sign-On (SSO) login, you can ensure a robust user experience within the WordPress environment. This allows users the ease of accessing multiple applications with a single set of login credentials. Through the integration of Salesforce OAuth as the primary authentication solution, users can securely log into their WordPress accounts with their existing Salesforce credentials.

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