Laravel SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin gives the ability to enable SAML Single Sign-On for your laravel applications. Using Single Sign-On you can use only one password to access your laravel application and services. Our plugin is compatible with
all the SAML compliant Identity providers. Here we will go through a step-by-step guide to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) between Laravel and ADFS Apps considering ADFS Apps as IdP.
Pre-requisites : Download And Installation
Steps to configure ADFS Apps Single Sign-On (SSO) Login into Laravel
1. Configure ADFS Apps as Identity Provider
Configure ADFS as IdP
- On ADFS, search for ADFS Management application.
- In AD FS Management, select Relying Party Trust and click on Add Relying Party Trust.
- Select Claims aware from the Relying Party Trust Wizard and click on Start button.
Select Data Source
- In Select Data Source, select the data source for adding a relying party trust.
Specify Display Name
- Enter Display Name and Click Next.
Configure Certificate (Premium feature)
- Download the certificate from Service Provider Metadata Tab.
- Upload the certificate and click on Next.
Configure URL
- Select Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol option and enter ACS URLfrom the plugin's Service Provider Metadata Tab.
- Click on Next.
Configure Identifiers
- In the Relying party trust identifier, add the SP-EntityID / Issuer from the plugin's Service Provider Metadata tab.
Choose Access Control Policy
- Select Permit everyone as an Access Control Policy and click on Next.
Ready to Add Trust
- In Ready to Add Trust click on Next and then Close.
Edit Claim Issuance Policy
- In the list of Relying Party Trust, select the application you created and click on Edit Claim Issuance Policy.
- In Issuance Transform Rule tab click on Add Rule button.
Choose Rule Type
- Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims and click on Next.
Configure Claim Rule
- Add a Claim Rule Name and select the Attribute Store as required from the dropdown.
- Under Mapping of LDAP Attributes to outgoing claim types, Select LDAP Attribute as E-Mail-Addresses and Outgoing Claim Type as Name ID.
- Once you have configured the attributes, click on Finish.
- After configuring ADFS as IDP, you will need the Federation Metadata to configure your Service Provider.
- To get the ADFS Federation Metadata, you can use this URL
https://< ADFS_Server_Name >/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
- You have successfully configured ADFS as SAML IdP (Identity Provider) for achieving ADFS Single Sign-On (SSO) Login
2. Configure Laravel SAML plugin as Service Provider
- Go to the miniOrange Laravel SAML 2.0 SSO plugin and click on Choose File button next to the Upload Meatadata option.
- Select the metadata file which you will get from ADFS and click on Upload button.
- Click on Test Configuration button to test whether the SAML Configuration you've done is correct. On successful test configuration, you will get the different user attributes returned by your identity Provider in a test configuration table.
3. SSO Options
- Your users can initiate the Single Sign On flow by clicking on the Single Sign On button generated on your login page. If you do not have this page yet, run php artisan make:auth & php artisan migrate to generate the authentication module.
In this Guide, you have successfully configured ADFS Apps SAML Single Sign-On (ADFS Apps SSO Login) choosing ADFS Apps as IdP and Laravel as SP using miniOrange plugin-SAML Single Sign On – SSO Login. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure access to your Laravel site using ADFS Apps login credentials within minutes.
Additional Resources