Setup Line Single Sign-on with Drupal OAuth Client
Drupal Line SSO integration will allow you to configure Single Sign-On ( SSO ) login between your Drupal site and Line using OAuth/OpenID protocol. Drupal OAuth 2.0/OpenID connect module gives the ability to enable login using OAuth 2.0/OIDC Single Sign-On to Drupal Site. We provide the Drupal OAuth/OpenID Client module for Drupal 7, Drupal 8, Drupal 9 and Drupal 10, Drupal 11.
Installation Steps
- Using Composer
- Using Drush
- Manual Installation
Configuration Steps
Setup Drupal as OAuth Client
- After installing the module, navigate to the Configuration -> miniOrange OAuth Client Configuration -> Configure OAuth tab and select Custom OAuth 2.0 Provider from the Select Application dropdown list.
- Copy the Callback/Redirect URL and keep it handy.
- Enter the application name in the Display Name text field. For example, Line.
Note: If your provider only supports HTTPS Callback/Redirect URLs and you have an HTTP site, please make sure to enable the 'Enforce HTTPS Callback URL' checkbox at the bottom of the tab.
Create Application in Line
- Download the Line Application (app) and sign up/login into the app in the mobile.
- Use the same credentials used to log into the Line mobile App for logging in to
- From top menu click on Products.
- From the options click on LINE Login.
- Click on Start now as shown in below image.
- Please click on Create new provider and give suitable name and click on Next page as shown in the image below.
- In the Channel Settings tab, Fill all the required details.
- Applying for email permission click on Submit next to "Email" in the OpenID Connect session and Agree to the application terms and upload a screenshot of the screen that explains to the user why you need to obtain their email address and what you will use it for.
- Navigate to App settings tab. Under Callback URL, click on Edit button and paste the previously copied Callback/Redirect URL in text field.
Integrating Drupal with Line
- Line assigns a unique Application ID to your application. Copy the Channel ID and Channel secret key and keep it handy.
- In Drupal’s Configure OAuth tab paste the previously copied Channel ID and Channel secret into the Client ID and Client Secret text-fields, respectively.
- You can also refer to the Line Endpoints and scope from the table given below:
Scopes: | Profile openid email |
Authorization Endpoint: | |
Access Token Endpoint: | |
Get User Info Endpoint: | |
Test Configuration of Drupal with Line
- After successfully saving the configurations, click on the Perform Test Configuration button to test the connection between Drupal and Line.
- On a Test Configuration popup, if you don't have an active session in the same browser, you will be asked to sign in to Line. After successfully logging into Line, you will be provided with a list of attribute that's received from the Line.
- Select the Email Attribute from the dropdown menu in which the user's email ID is obtained and click on the Done button.
- Now, in the Attribute & Role Mapping tab, you can also choose the Username Attribute from the dropdown and click on the Save Configuration button.
Note: Mapping the Email Attribute is mandatory for your login to work.
How to perform the SSO
- Open a new browser/private window and navigate to the Drupal site login page.
- Click on the Login using Line link to initiate the SSO from Drupal.
- If you want to add the SSO link on other pages, please follow the steps given in the image below:
Need Assistance?
If you face any issues during the configuration or if you want some additional features, please contact us at
Additional Features:
More FAQs ➔Getting error: 'Username not received. Check your Attribute Mapping configuration.' OR Getting Error: 'Email not received. Check your Attribute Mapping configuration.'
Follow the steps mentioned HERE
I am getting "Client Credentials were not found in
the headers or body"
when I try to perform test configuration
Follow the steps mentioned HERE
After I click on the logout in Drupal, it sends me back to the Drupal homepage. However, when I try to login with other user, it doesn't ask me to login but automatically logs me in with same user
The logout functionality you've mentioned here is the default behavior of a module. It's logging you out of Drupal but not from your Application/Provider. To allow the module to logout from your provider/application account (what you are looking for), you need to make the below configurations: [know more]
I purchased the paid Drupal module and replaced it with the free module, but still I am not able to use paid features.
As you have upgraded to one of our paid versions of the Drupal module and replaced the free module with the paid one, you must first activate the paid module. Please refer to the below steps. [Know more]