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OAuth / OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) into Joomla using Salesforce

Step 1: Configure Salesforce (SSO) as an OAuth / OpenID Connect Server.

  • First of all, go to and log into your Salesforce account.
  • You will be presented with the following screen. Go to Setup.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce Setup
  • Now, Go to Platform Tools -> Apps -> App Manager.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce App Manager
  • Click on New Connected App.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce New Connected App
  • You will be taken to the application settings page. Configure the Salesforce (Oauth OpenID SSO) application like so.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce App Manager For New App
  • Check the Enable Oauth Settings and you will be shown more options to configure, Such as, Callback URL (Enter from miniOrange Oauth Client plugin which you copied in the last step) and Scopes. Select the scopes as required. Make sure that the same scopes are also added in miniOrange Oauth Client plugin and then scroll all the way to the bottom to click on Save.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce Enable OAuth Settings
  • You will be taken to Application Management page. Here, you will find Consumer ID and Consumer Secret.
  • Joomla OAuth Client SSO Salesforce Client Credentials
  • Copy these credentials and keep it handy because you will need it in the next step.
  • You have successfully completed your Salesforce App OAuth Server (SSO) side configurations.

  • Scope: id
    Authorize EndPoint for Salesforce Oauth / OpenID SSO :
    Access Token Endpoint for Salesforce Oauth / OpenID SSO :
    Get User Info Endpoint for Salesforce Oauth / OpenID SSO :
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