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Setup Guide for Opencart As OAuth Client.

Step 2: Configuring the Extension.

  • The Redirect URL can be provided to the OAuth provider from the Configure OAuth tab.
  • In the application name field, you can add a name to be used while logging in with a single sign on.
  • Make status enabled to make it available in your view part of the store.
  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret provided by the OAuth Provider and add it under the Configure OAuth tab of the plugin.
  • In the Configure OAuth tab, provide the required settings Authorize Endpoint, Access Token Endpoint, Get User Info Endpoint, Scope as provided by your OAuth Provider.
  • Opencart as OAuth Provider -Single Sign-On(SSO) for Opencart
  • In attribute mapping tab you can map attributes that are mandatory for enabling users to successfully login into Opencart.
  • Save the details provided by clicking on the SAVE button in the upper right corner.
  • Opencart as OAuth Provider -Single Sign-On(SSO) for Opencart

Step 3: Add MiniOrange OAuth Provider module.

  • Add MiniOrange OAuth Provider module to your view layout.
  • Go to Design>>Layouts from the admin dashboard. Click on the Account Edit button.
  • Now choose the store ID and position of the module to display. In the dropdown select MiniOrange OAuth Provider and click on [ + ] icon.
  • You can add it to the multiple layouts just by selecting that particular category.
  • Save the settings after adding the module to the display.
  • Opencart as OAuth Provider -Single Sign-On(SSO) for Opencart
  • Now whenever Customer will go to Account>>Register/Login page, He will see option to Login with {your_appname}.
  • If you want to Update Customer details/ Add New Customers based on what your OAuth & OpenID Connect Provider sends, you can configure it using our Opencart OAuth SSO extension.
  • Opencart as OAuth Provider -Single Sign-On(SSO) for Opencart
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