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Sitecore SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) – Case Studies

Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution eases and secures the sitecore authentication flow via login through desired 3rd Party SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC identity provider credentials and manages the user profiles. Popular Single Sign-On (SSO) - compliant identity providers such as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Azure B2C, Okta, ADFS, Google Identity Platform, OneLogin, Office365, Ping Identity, Salesforce Identity, WordPress, Auth0, Keycloak, Cognito, IdentityServer, and Shibboleth can be equipped with Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution to perform secure SSO authentication into your sitecore website.

Sitecore is one of the leading global service providers in managing customer experience that lets marketers own the experience they deliver to their customers and prospects. To ensure more security and a better customer experience, Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution can boost productivity to the next level.

Why is Sitecore Single Sign On (SSO) essential?

Single Sign-On service is an effective way to improve customer experience since:

  • Reduces the customer's efforts to remember and manage multiple credentials.
  • Simplifies and effectively secures sitecore authentication through encryption and signing.
  • With Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, you can integrate multiple SAML 2.0 & OAuth/OIDC Single Sign-On integration into your sitecore application.
  • Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution is also compatible to follow custom business logic to perform sitecore authentication.
  • By integrating sitecore with a third-party identity provider, you can authenticate external users and manage their access based on their authentication status.
  • It simplifies the role assignment and access management based on user authentication via 3rd Party Identity source.
  • Some popular Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations for federated authentication widely used around the industries are sitecore Azure SSO, sitecore Okta SSO, sitecore Salesforce SSO, sitecore IdentityServer SSO, and sitecore Auth0 SSO. Furthermore, there are many more integrations possible with the sitecore Single Sign-On, and many more about to be implemented as the industry thrives.

How does miniOrange Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) help?

The Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution significantly simplifies and secures the sitecore authentication flow via login through desired 3rd Party SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC - compliant identity providers such as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Okta, ADFS, Google Identity Platform, OneLogin, Office365, Ping Identity, Salesforce Identity, WordPress, Auth0, Keycloak, Cognito, IdentityServer, and Shibboleth.

In contrast, the Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution enables the sitecore admins to allow users to login via any 3rd party identity providers into their sitecore applications or websites.

In addition to authentication part, Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution also manages user provisioning and user profile synchronization. You can configure SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC integrations for sitecore login and role assignment and further could manage the page restrictions or customize sitecore authentication.

Any known or custom SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC compliant identity provider can be equipped with Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, to ensure secure and seamless integration for sitecore authentication or sitecore SSO. With the Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, you can easily manage to assemble popular SSO Integration in your sitecore application, such as sitecore Azure SSO, sitecore Okta SSO, sitecore Salesforce SSO, sitecore Identity Server SSO, sitecore Auth0 SSO and many more.

In addition to simplifying sitecore login for your customers, Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution also simplifies the Single Sign-On configuration for these integrations through a user-friendly dashboard, to configure and manage all the sitecore SSO integrations.


Multiple IDPs Supported

Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution allows you to integrate and manage multiple sitecore SSO integration to your sitecore website. Multiple IDP integrations simplifies and manages the sitecore authentication via sitecore SSO through multiple 3rd party identity providers.

Single Sign-On

Easy and seamless access to all resources. Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution secures sitecore authentication by providing sitecore SSO using any 3rd Party SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC compliant provider.

Single Logout

Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution is compatible to perform Single Logout. This enables users to log out from all the applications involved in the SSO integration on a single click.

User Provisioning & Profile Management

Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to map user profiles received during SSO into the sitecore user profile. Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution also manages user provisioning/creation and profile updation.

Role-Based Access Management

Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to manage user groups and roles, based on the information received during the SSO. You can configure SAML 2.0 or OAuth/OIDC compliant providers for sitecore login and role assignment.

Use Cases for Sitecore Single Sign-On

Use Case 1: Login into Sitecore using Salesforce Credentials

Let's say you own a sitecore e-commerce application where you sell your cabinet furniture goods to dealers or retailers. The dealer's data is stored in Salesforce identity, and you want these dealers to log in to sitecore using their salesforce credentials, to verify their dealership and buy any amount of goods.

The Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution can simplify this process by allowing users to perform a Single Sign-On login with their Salesforce credentials, and verify the users based on their Salesforce user profile. This solution also streamlines user creation, profile management, and role assignment. It's worth mentioning that Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) is compatible with custom Sitecore authentication methods.

Sitecore Single Sign-On into ASP.NET, DNN | Sitecore SSO - Login with Salesforce

Use Case 2: Multi-Tenant Azure AD SSO Login for Sitecore

Let's say you have a sitecore application serving logistic services for cargo dealerships across the country with cargo dealers from many cities. The dealer data is stored in different tenants based on the city but within the same Active Directory. Now, these users should be able to log in via their Azure AD credentials, keeping the data distributed in multiple tenants.

Now, integrating SSO with multiple Azure AD tenants can be complex when using Sitecore Identity. However, miniOrange’s Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution simplifies the integration, providing compatibility with sitecore's custom authentication. It efficiently manages user profiles and enables login via Single Sign-On, role assignments, and domain restrictions within the plugin.

Sitecore Single Sign-On into ASP.NET, DNN | Sitecore SSO - Login using Azure AD Multi-Tenant

Use Case 3: SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On Login for Sitecore with Multiple Identity Providers

Suppose an insurance company has contracts with multiple companies and provides multiple insurance to their employees. The insurance portal is on a sitecore application where employees from different companies can log in and review their insurance profiles. Each company has its separate user stores. These companies prefer to maintain control over their employee’s sensitive information and only share minimal and necessary data for authentication with the insurance provider.

Sitecore Single Sign-On into ASP.NET, DNN | Sitecore SSO - Login using multiple identity providers

Using Sitecore Identity for this purpose presents challenges since it primarily supports Single Sign-On with Azure AD or OAuth providers and lacks built-in SAML integrations. However, by leveraging the Sitecore Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, your Sitecore application can become SAML 2.0 compliant and seamlessly handle the integration with multiple identity providers (IDPs) for facilitation of Single Sign-On. Our sitecore single sign-on plugin ensures smooth user creation, profile mapping, and role assignment within this environment.

Need Help?

Not able to find your identity provider? Mail us on and we'll help you set up SSO with your IDP and for quick guidance (via email/meeting) on your requirement and our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.

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