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Sync Orders, Products, Customers for Dynamics CRM | WooCommerce and Dynamics CRM Integration

You can now synchronize WooCommerce data to dynamics 365 objects/entities using our Dynamics 365 CRM Integration plugin. You can easily map any WooCommerce objects to any Dynamics 365 Object like Orders, Contacts, Products, Inventory, etc. For example, WooCommerce orders object fields like billing_address, quantity, total price etc. can be mapped to Dynamics CRMs order object attributes. When user checkout the order from your website the details from order object, will be inserted/updated to the respective object as an entry. Our plugin also allows you to automatically sync related customers, product details into dynamics with establishing the relationship between them.

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

To Sync WooCommerce data to Dynamics 365 CRM you would need the following requirements.

  • We need to install the miniOrange Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM Plugin

Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM plugin provides complete for bi-directional data sync between WP and Dynamics CRM objects i.e syncing data from WordPress object to Dynamics CRM object and vice-versa. [24/7 SUPPORT]

 Tested with 6.5

1. Sync from WordPress to Dynamics CRM

  • To sync WooCommerce data like orders, order line items, products, and customers you need to map WooCommerce object fields to Dynamics CRM object fields.
  • It will also take care to link the respective customer to the order, and products to the order without any extra effort.

1.1 Fields mapping for standard type of fields:

  • Go to the installed WP Dynamics CRM Integration plugin.
  • Then navigate to the Custom Post Type tab in the plugin.
  • Click on the Add New Mapping button.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Click on Additional Settings
  • Select the WooCommerce Objects (shop_orders, user, or product).
  • Now click on Save the field.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode
  • After successful selection of WooCommerce objects select the Dynamics Entity Object in the 2nd section.
  • Note : Dynamics objects could be standard or any custom object.

    WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode
  • Now configure the field mapping between selected objects in the Configure Mapping section.
  • You can see the fields of the Dynamics object and you can select the WooCommerce objects field via dropdown.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode
  • If you want to add any other fields you can select that and click on Add New Mapping button.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode
  • After mapping the desired fields click on the Save button.
  • Now if you want to add a primary key to prevent record duplication. You can then select the Dynamics object field in the Select Primary Key section.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode
  • Click on the Save button to save the selection.
  • Now Go Back and you can see the added mapping in the table.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Copy Shortcode

2. Fields mapping for LookUp type of fields:

  • Lookup type field used to link your record with the record of another object.
  • You can map these fields with the post meta fields or with a default value.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping

2.1 Post meta field mapping:

  • Now choose Standard as an option.
  • Select the target entity to link with and click on the Add Entities To Relate button.
  • Now select the Ppost meta field in which you have stored the ID for the Dynamics entity record.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping

    For example:- here we have uom field that requires uomid ( id of a record in uom table ).

    WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping

2.2 Default value mapping:

  • Now choose default as an option.
  • Select the target entity to link with and click on the Add Entities To Relate button.
  • Now add the default value in the input field and click on the Save button.
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping

3. Synchronization of data and automatic linking while order placement:

  • On order placement, the data of orders, products, and customers will automatically be synchronized to the Dynamics CRM.
  • Customer will be synced to the mapped entity and will be linked to the Order.
  • Product purchase in order will also be synced to Dynamics and will be linked to the order.
  • Order placement:

    WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping
  • The screenshots given below represent the records after the order was placed:
  • WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping WooCommerce Object Sync with Dynamics CRM | Add New mapping

You have successfully synced WooCommerce Objects from WordPress to Dynamics 365 CRM.

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