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Use Case: User provisioning and sync between LDAP/AD and WordPress

In a corporate environment, user provisioning and synchronization between Active Directory (AD)/LDAP and a WordPress site are crucial for streamlined employee management and access control. This use case addresses the needs of a company where employees require seamless Active Directory and WordPress integration.

An organization relies on Active Directory for centralized user management and authentication:
To achieve centralized user management the company needs to keep the WordPress users in sync with the LDAP users, and seamlessly onboard and offboard the users.

  • Import/sync users from the AD/LDAP server to the WordPress site and vice versa.
  • Onboard/Offboard users in Active Directory via WordPress user registration form.
  • Schedule user data synchronization for data consistency on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis.
  • Active Directory Integration / LDAP Integration Plugin

To achieve the above requirements, the Active Directory integration / LDAP integration premium plugin needs to be configured on the WordPress site. This will establish a connection between your Active Directory and WordPress site. Once the LDAP connection is established, install and configure the directory sync addon to achieve the desired functionality. In the configuration of the plugin you can import or sync the users from the active directory / LDAP server to WordPress and vice versa, you can schedule user data synchronization on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis.

  • Efficiency: Automate user provisioning tasks, reducing manual efforts and potential errors.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity of user data and roles across the system.
  • Real-time User Update: Changes in either system are reflected promptly in the other.
  • Enhanced Security: Simplified procedures for managing users support access control and security protocols.

The miniOrange Active Directory Integration / LDAP integration premium plugin along with the directory sync addon offers a seamless user experience by synchronizing LDAP/Active directory with the WordPress site and vice versa. It allows you to schedule the user data sync between LDAP / Active directory and WordPress site.

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