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How to setup WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin for the WordPress site?

WooCommerce Order Notifications Plugin WooCommerce Order Status Notifications send the Order status updates to your customers and admins. You can also send Order status updates to vendors using vendor notifications in our plugin. WooCommerce SMS Notifications & Login register with Phone plugin allows users to authenticate during Login, Registration, Checkout, and Password reset with a One-Time Password (OTP). Send users an OTP Verification Code to verify them via SMS, Email, or WhatsApp.

You can download miniOrange - WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin using the following link:

Order Notification on WooCommerce / SMS, Email OTP verification/ Login with phone

Follow these steps to setup miniOrange - WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin

Step 1: Download & Install miniOrange - WooCommerce Order Notifications Plugin

OTP Verification miniorange icon From your WordPress dashboard

  • Navigate to the Plugins option from the left-side menu and click on the Add New button to add your plugin.
  • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Click on Add new
  • Search for "SMS Notifications / Order Notification WooCommerce".
  • Click on the Install Now button to install the “SMS Notifications / Order Notification WooCommerce / Login & Register with Phone” plugin.
  • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Search plugin name
  • Next, select the Activate button to activate the miniOrange - WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin from your Plugins page.
  • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Activated Woocommerce notification plugin

OTP Verification miniorange icon From

  • Download the miniOrange - WooCommerce order Notifications Plugin.
  • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Click download button
  • Extract the miniorange-sms-order-notification-otp-verification folder and then upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Please activate the “SMS Notifications / Order Notification WooCommerce / Login & Register with Phone” plugin from your Plugins page.

2 Setup miniOrange - WooCommerce order Notifications plugin

    1. Create account

    • Initially create an account with miniOrange or login with an existing miniOrange account.
    • Go to the WooCommerce Order Notification plugin from the left-side menu.
    • WooCommerce order notifications - click account setup WooCommerce order notifications - Go to notification tab

    2. Notifications

    • After completing the registration, Navigate to the Notifications tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin.
    • In the Notifications tab, you will see the list of all Woocommerce order notifications for the customer as well as admins.
    • Let's set up a New Account SMS Notification.
    • Enable the New Account SMS Notification and click on the Edit button.
    • WooCommerce order notifications - Click edit button
    • Inside the edit option, you can change the SMS Template of the notification that will be sent to the user after creating a new account.
    • You can also use the WooCommerce tags supported in the template.
    • After that, click on the Save Settings button.
    • (Note: Premium Tags are supported in the WC Notifications Enterprise plan.)

      WooCommerce SMS notifications - Click save settings button
    • You can similarly setup all other notifications.
    • Forms Notifications, Doken Vendor Notifications, and WCFM Vendor Notifications we supported in the Enterprise plan.
      1. 1. Forms Notification: The Forms Notifications feature sends SMS notifications upon submission of login, registration, and contact forms.

        2. Dokan Vendor Notifications: Dokan vendor notifications send order status notifications to the vendors on the Dokan platform.

        3. WCFM Vendor Notification: WCFM vendor notifications send order status notifications to the vendors on the WCFM platform.

      WooCommerce SMS notifications - Navigate WCFM & Dokan Notifications

    3. Forms

    • Navigate to the Forms tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin and select the form on which you wish to enable the OTP verification.
    • WooCommerce order notifications - Enable WooCommerce login form
    • Select the form on which you wish to enable the OTP Verification.
    • Enable phone verification or email verification as per your choice. You can enable the additional setting as per your requirement.
    • After completing the setup, click on the Save settings button.
    • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Select email verification
    • Go to the WooCommerce login page.
    • Now, enter your login credentials and click on the Login button.
    • WooCommerce order notifications - Click login button
    • Now, one time passcode has been sent to the Email address associated with your account.
    • Enter the OTP you have received in the Enter OTP field and click on the Validate OTP button.
    • WooCommerce order notifications - Enter one time passcode
    • After successful OTP verification, you will be logged in to your WooCommerce site.
    • 4. Gateway Settings

      • Navigate to the Gateway Settings tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin.
      • To send the OTPs over SMS and Email you need to have an SMS/Email Gateways.
      • If you don't have a Gateway you can use miniOrange Gateway.
      • WooCommerce order notifications - Select gateway

        Note: When using the miniOrange gateway, you'll have to buy SMS or email transactions to send OTPs (One-Time Passwords). You can find the pricing for SMS based on countries here.

      5. Settings

      • Navigate to the Settings tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin.
      • You can enable country code dropdown in the settings tab.
      • Under the Country Code section choose your Country which will be set as default.
      • Select the "Show a country code dropdown on the phone field" option to show a country code drop-down on your form.
      • Then click on the Save Settings button.
      • WooCommerce order notifications - enable country code dropdown

        Note: Enabling the country code dropdown ensures country flag visibility on OTP-enabled forms.

      6. WhatsApp

      • Navigate to the WhatsApp tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin.
      • WhatsApp for OTP Verification and Notifications is a premium feature.
      • In the WhatsApp Tab, you can configure the WhatsApp OTP and Notifications. You can also enable the OTP & notifications over WhatsApp as well as SMS at the same time.
      • If you want to use the WhatsApp feature then click on the Upgrade Now button.
      • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Go to whatsapp tab

      7. AddOns

      • Navigate to the Addons tab located in the left-side menu of the WooCommerce Order Notifications plugin.
      • This plugin provides add-ons regarding Woocommece SMS Notifications, OTP Verification on selected countries only, Spam prevention, Register with Phone, etc.
      • WooCommerce SMS notifications - Go to whatsapp tab

If you have any further queries or need any assistance then contact us at

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