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How to Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs

If you run multiple WooCommerce stores, you know how challenging it can be to keep your products in sync across all of them. Manual updates can be time-consuming and error-prone while using CSV files to import and export products can quickly become tiring and hectic.

We have a solution for it: miniOrange WooCommerce Product Sync plugin to synchronize your WooCommerce products using the REST API.

By using the WooCommerce APIs and webhooks to automate product syncing, you can save time and reduce errors, while ensuring that your product information like stock, pricing, images, etc is always up-to-date and consistent across all your stores.

In this article, we'll walk you through the steps involved in synchronizing/ importing your WooCommerce products between two stores using the API. We'll cover everything from authenticating with the API to sending product data between stores. Whether you're a seasoned WooCommerce user or just getting started, this guide will help you streamline your workflow and improve your eCommerce efficiency.

WooCommerce Product Sync
By miniOrange

Import Products from External APIs / Supplier Inventory automatically. Automate syncing products, items and listings and create/ update WooCommerce products from these items for your WooCommerce store.

Know More

miniorange img Understanding the WooCommerce REST API: An Overview

    The WooCommerce REST API is a powerful tool that allows access and interaction with WooCommerce store data using standard HTTP requests. It enables the creation, retrieval, update, and deletion of various store resources such as products, orders, customers, and more.

    The API provides access to a wide range of endpoints, each of which corresponds to a specific type of store resource. For example, the
    /wp-json/wc/v3/products endpoint can be used to retrieve products from a WooCommerce store, while the /wp-json/wc/v3/orders endpoint can be used to retrieve a list of orders.

    To use the WordPress WooCommerce API for product sync, you'll need to authenticate with the store using an API key and secret. This ensures that only authorized requests are able to access store data. Once authenticated, you can send HTTP requests to the desired endpoints to interact with stored data.

miniorange img  Configuring API Access for Your WooCommerce Stores (sender store)

    To use the WooCommerce REST API products API to sync products across WC stores, you'll need to configure API access for your WooCommerce stores. This involves generating an API key and secret, which you'll use to authenticate your API requests.

    Here's how to generate an API key and secret for a WooCommerce store:

    • Log in to the WordPress dashboard of your WooCommerce store.
    • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API.
    • Click the "Add Key" button to create a new API key.
    • Enter a description for the key (e.g., "Sync API Key").
    • Choose the user account with which the key will be associated.
    • Choose the permissions for the key based on what you'll be using it for. For product syncing, you'll need read/write access to the products endpoint.
    • Click the "Generate API Key" button to create the key and secret.
    • Make a note of the key and secret, as you'll need them to authenticate your API requests.

    Once you have generated an API key and secret for your WooCommerce stores, you're ready to start using the API to synchronize products between them.

    In the next section, we will see how to configure the miniOrange WooCommerce Product Sync plugin to import product data from one store to another store using the API.

Steps to configure miniOrange WooCommerce Product Sync plugin (receiver store)

    Step 1: Download the following modules from miniOrange Dashboard:

    • Custom API for WP Enterprise plugin - To Connect the WooCommerce API
    • WooCommerce Product Sync Integrator - To sync product data

    Step 2: Install both plugins on the receiver store and activate the Custom API for WordPress plugin by logging into the plugin with the account under which you have purchased the license and entering the license key which you can find at miniOrange Console -> License -> View License key.

    Step 3: Goto Connect External API

    Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs

    Step 4: Fill in the details as follows:

    Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs
    • API Name -> any name you would like (example: WooCommerce Products)
    • Select Method -> GET
    • External API -> https://<your-domain>/wc-api/v3/products
    • Header Key: Authorization
    • Header Value: Basic <base64 encoded API Key and client secret obtained in previous section>

    Click Save and Execute. If a pop-up opens with product details, then we can move to the next step.
    * You can use this tool to encode the credentials to base64

    Step 5: Go to Sync to WooCommerce Integrator, you will see the following screen

    Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs

    Fill out the form as follows:

    • Connection name -> Same as in Step 4 (WooCommerce Products)
    • Check the appropriate Operation
      • Add/Import Products -> If you want to add new products.
      • Update Existing Products -> If you only want to update existing products in the receiver store
    • Leave the WooCommere Credentials Settings blank
    • Response Attribute -> products
    • SKU Attribute -> sku
    • Name Attribute -> title
    • Price -> price
    • * you can find other attributes from the popup received in Step 4 after clicking Execute.

    After filling out the form, Click Save Connection and then Sync button.

    Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs

    If all is set up correctly, you will see products being imported to the receiver store from the sender store.

miniorange img  Conclusion:

    With the miniOrange WooCommerce Product Sync Integrator plugin, users can seamlessly import products from their WooCommerce store to their other WooCommerce stores. This allows store owners to keep their WooCommerce stores in sync without the need for manual data entry, saving time and effort.

    You can also keep your WooCommerce stores in Sync by syncing Products, Orders, users, etc. using our WP Automate API and Webhooks plugin.

miniorange img  Check out our other Products

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WP Automate API and Webhooks plugin

By miniOrange

WP Automate API and Webhooks plugin allows you to automate tasks to trigger an action when some event occurs. Example: You can send the order to an External or third-party system when an event like Order is placed in WooCommerce. [24/7 SUPPORT]

 Tested with 6.2

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How to Synchronize WooCommerce Products Between Two Stores Using the APIs

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