Search Results :
Service Provider Name
Name of your Service Provider. |
SP Entity ID or Issuer | Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from the Service Provider. |
ACS URL | Copy and paste the ACS URL from the Service Provider. |
NameID Format | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Assertion Signed | Checked |
Service Provider Name
Name of your Service Provider. |
SP Entity ID or Issuer | Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from the Service Provider. |
ACS URL | Copy and paste the ACS URL from the Service Provider. |
Select Binding type (optional) | Select Use HTTP-Redirect Binding for SLO |
Single Logout URL (optional) | Enter Single Logout URL given in Service Provider. |
X.509 Certificate (optional) | Enter X.509 Certificate. |
NameID Format | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Response Signed | Checked if you want to sign the SAML Response |
Assertion Signed | Checked if you want to sign the SAML Response |
Encrypted Assertion | Checked if you want to encrypt the SAML Assertion |