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Basic Authentication for WordPress REST APIs

Basic Authentication for WordPress REST APIs allows you to set up secure access to the WordPress APIs. Basic authentication validates an API token generated from the username, password, or client credentials. Basic authentication checks who you are when you want to use a web service.

Whenever a request is made to access a WordPress REST API endpoint, it undergoes authentication against the associated token. Subsequently, access to the resources for that specific API request is determined based on the successful validation of this API token. To maintain security, the access token is encrypted to prevent any security/data breaches.

WordPress Rest API Authentication
By miniOrange

WordPress REST API Authentication plugin provides the security from unauthorized access to your WordPress REST APIs.

Know More

Steps to Download & Installation

  • Log into your WordPress account as an admin.
  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins and click on Add New.
  • Search for a WordPress REST API Authentication plugin and click on Install Now.
  • Once installed, click on Activate.

Use Case: Protect/Secure WordPress REST API Endpoint Access Using Basic Authentication

    1. Based on User credentials:

    Imagine you have an app for Android or iOS that lets users post their own feeds or blogs.

    To keep things secure, you'll need to make sure these requests are authenticated.

    The best way to do this is to use the WordPress Basic Authentication REST API with a username and password. This will allow you to manage user permissions and capabilities through the REST APIs.

    When a user logs in, a session is created. Based on their WordPress permissions, they will be able to access the content and perform the actions allowed by the REST API.

      WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using user credentials

    2. Based on Client Credentials:

    Imagine you have an Android or iOS app and want to interact with WordPress content using its REST API. You don’t want to use WordPress user credentials directly because it could expose your site to unauthorized access.

    Instead, you should use the WordPress Basic Authentication REST API with a client ID and client secret. This way, your WordPress user credentials stay safe.

    Here's how it works: You include the client ID and client secret in each API request. These details are sent in an encrypted format within the Basic Authorization header. When the request is received, the credentials are validated. If the validation is successful, the WordPress API Basic Auth allows access to the requested APIs, keeping your site secure.

      WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using client credentials

Some Use Cases For The Following Rest API Basic Authentication Methods:

Setup REST API Basic Authentication Method

miniorange img REST API Basic Auth using UserName & Password :

  • In the plugin, go to the Configure Methods tab in the left section.
  • Click on Basic Authentication as the API Authentication method.
  • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using username-and-password
  • Select Username & Password with Base64 Encoding and click Next in the top right corner.
  • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using username-and-password
  • In order to test the functionality, Fill in the username and Password fields for an existing user.
  • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using username-and-password
  • You can edit the REST API endpoint to fetch details from that endpoint. Example: /pages endpoint has been selected here:
  • Click on the Test Configuration button, and verify the result shown on the screen.
  • Click the Finish button.
  • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using username-and-password
  • After you save the REST API Basic Auth Configuration with Username and Password, to access the WordPress REST APIs, you need to send a REST API request with your respective Authorization Key. You need to use the request format as shown below.
         Request: GET https://<domain-name>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts
         Header: Authorization: Basic base64encoded <username:password>
    Sample Request Format- Example => username : testuser and password : password@123

           Sample curl Request Format-
           curl -H "Authorization:Basic base64encoded <username:password>"
           -X POST http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts -d "title=sample post&status=publish" 
  • PHP base64_encode(string) function for base64 encoding can be used as follows:
      base64_encode(‘testuser:password@123’) will results into ‘eGw2UllOdFN6WmxKOlNMRWcwS1ZYdFVrbm5XbVV2cG9RV FNLZw==’ as output.
    Sample request: GET https://<domain-name>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts Header: Authorization : Basic eGw2UllOdFN6WmxKOlNMRWcwS1ZYdFVrbm5XbVV2cG9RVFNLZw==
  • Check out the Error Response for Basic Auth using UserName & Password.

miniorange img Code samples in programming languages

      var client = new RestClient("http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts ");
      client.Timeout = -1;
      var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
      request.AlwaysMultipartFormData = true;
      request.AddParameter("title", "Sample Post");
      request.AddParameter("status", "publish");
      IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
      OkHttpClient client  = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder().build();
      MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
      RequestBody body  = new MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM)
      .addFormDataPart("title","Sample Post")
      .addFormDataPart("status", "publish") 
      Request request  = new Request.Builder()
      .url("http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts ")
      .method("POST", body)
      Response responseclient.newCall(request).execute();
      var form = new FormData();
      form.append("title","Sample Post");
      form.append("status", "publish"); 
      var settings  = {
          "url": "http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts ",
          "method": "POST",
          "timeout": 0,
          "processData": false,
          "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
          "contentType": false,
          "data": form
        $.ajax(settings).done(function (response)  {
       $curl = curl_init();
      curl_setopt_array($curl, array 
              CURLOPT_URL => 'http://%3Cwp_base_url%3E/wp-json/wp/v2/posts%20',
              CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
              CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
              CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
              CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
              CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
              CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('title' => 'Sample Post','status' => 'publish'),
      $response = curl_exec($curl);
      echo $response;
      import http.client
      import mimetypes
      from codecs import encode
      conn   = http.client.HTTPSConnection("<wp_base_url>")
      dataList= []
      boundary = 'wL36Yn8afVp8Ag7AmP8qZ0SA4n1v9T'
      dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
      dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=title;')) 
      dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))    
      dataList.append(encode("Sample Post"))
      dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))    
      dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=status;'))    
      dataList.append('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))
      body  = b'\r\n'.join(dataList)    
      payload= body
      headers = {
          'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary={}'.format(boundary) 
      conn.request("POST", "/wp-json/wp/v2/posts ", payload, headers)
      res= conn.getresponse()    
      data =    
      print (data.decode("utf-8"))   

miniorange img Postman Samples:

    Follow the steps below to make REST API request using Postman:

  • Click on the Postman Samples tab in the plugin.
  • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman implementation
  • Now, hover over the Basic Authentication Postman Samples card.
    • a) For Username-Password

        WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman JSON file for username : password
      • Import the downloaded JSON file into the Postman Application as shown below.
      • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman import JSON file
      • Once you import the json file, click on the REST API request under the Collections as shown in the last figure. Replace the <wp_base_url> with your Wordpress domain in the http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts and replace the base64encoded <username:password> in the header with the base encoded value.
        • Example:
          For Username: testuser and password: password@123 the base64 encoded value will be ‘dGVzdHVzZXI6cGFzc3dvcmRAMTIz’

      WordPress REST API Authentication key method postman replace base url

      b) For Client ID and Client Secret

      • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman JSON file for client id and client secret
      • Import the downloaded JSON file into the Postman Application as shown below.
      • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman import JSON file
      • Once you import the json file, click on the REST API request under the Collections as shown in the last figure. Now replace the <wp_base_url> with your Wordpress domain in the http://<wp_base_url>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts and replace the base64encoded <clientid:clientsecret> in the header with the base encoded value.
      • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman replace base url

miniorange img Feature Description

    1. Role-Based REST API restriction:

    This feature allows you to restrict REST API access in accordance with user roles. You have the option to specify the roles that are permitted to access the requested resource through REST APIs. Consequently, when a user makes a REST API request, their role is checked, and access to the resource is granted exclusively if their role is included in the whitelist.

    How to configure it?

    • First, go to the plugin ‘Advanced Settings’ tab.
    • Then, in the Role based Restriction section, all the roles by default will be allowed to access the APIs. You can enable the checkbox of the roles for which you want to restrict access.
    • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman implementation
    • In the above image, the subscriber role checkbox is enabled. So whenever an API request is made by the user, with his role as a subscriber, then that user won’t be allowed to access the requested resource.

    Note: The Role-based restriction feature is valid for Basic authentication (Username: password), JWT method, and OAuth 2.0 (Password grant).

    2. Custom Header:

    This feature offers the ability to select a personalized header instead of the default 'Authorization' header. This enhances security by allowing you to name the header as per your custom preference. Consequently, if someone attempts to make a REST API request with a header named 'Authorization,' they will be allowed to access the APIs.

    How to configure it?

    • First, go to the plugin ‘Advanced Settings’ tab.
    • Then in the ‘Custom Header’ section, you can edit the textbox to enter the custom name you want.
    • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman implementation

    3. Exclude REST APIs:

    This feature allows you to designate certain REST APIs as whitelisted, permitting them to be accessed directly without the need for authentication. Consequently, all these whitelisted REST APIs become publicly accessible.

    How to configure it?

    • First, go to the plugin ‘Advanced Settings’ tab.
    • Then in the ‘Exclude REST APIs’, you can enter your APIs in the prescribed format which needs to be whitelisted for public access.
    • WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method postman implementation
    • Example: Suppose you want to exclude the REST API ‘/wp-json/wp/v2/posts’ then you have to enter ‘/wp/v2/posts’ in the textbox.

    4. Enable Advanced Encryption for the tokens using HMAC :

    This feature is offered within the Basic Authentication method, where the token is typically encrypted using Base64 encoding by default. However, with the advanced option, the token can be encrypted using the highly secure HMAC encryption method, which ensures a very high level of security.

    WordPress REST API Basic Authentication method using user credentials

miniorange img Additional Resources

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