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Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) using Okta as OAuth Provider

miniOrange allows Okta to act as an IDP (Identity Provider), which allows users to Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using Okta Credentials. Our application is compatible with all the SAML / OAuth compliant Identity Providers. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure access to your Shopify store using Okta within minutes. We will go through a step-by-step guide to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using Okta as IdP (Identity Provider) and Shopify store as SP (Service Provider).

Pre-requisite : Single Sign On - SSO Application

To configure SSO into Shopify with Okta as IDP, you will need to install the miniOrange Single Sign On - SSO Login Application on your Shopify store:

miniOrange Provides Secure Single Sign-On (SSO) access to your Shopify stores(both plus and Non plus Stores).

Step by Step guide for Configuring Okta as IDP for SSO into Shopify

1. Configure Shopify as SP in Okta

  • First of all, go to Admin dashboard and log into your Okta account.
  • Go to the Okta Admin panel. Go to Applications -> Applications.
  • Shopify SSO - addapp-shortcut
  • You will get the following screen. Click on Create App Integration button.
  • Shopify SSO - addapplication
  • Select sign in method as the OIDC - OpenID Connect option and select Application type as web application, click on Next button.
  • Shopify SSO - select-webplatform
  • You will be redirected to the app details page. Enter App integration name and Sign-in redirect URIs. you will get that from miniOrange Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) application under the Callback URL field.
  • Shopify SSO - callbackURL
  • Scroll down and you will see the Assignments section. Choose a controlled access option and uncheck the Enable immediate access with Federation Broker Mode option. Click on Save button.
  • Shopify SSO - clientcredentials
  • Now you will get the Client credentials and okta domain. Copy these credentials in miniOrange Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) application on corresponding fields.

  • Shopify SSO - clientcredentials
  • To get the Redirect URI, navigate to the miniOrange Single Sign On-SSO application and click on Add Identity Provider button.
  • Shopify SSO - single sign on application
  • Select OAuth protocol.
  • Shopify SSO - Select OAuth protocol
  • From the list of identity providers (IDPs), select Okta.
  • Shopify SSO - Select Okta as IDP
  • Note down the Callback URL which will be required while configuring SSO.
  • Shopify SSO - Import LinkedIn Metadata
  • Click on Save.

1.1 Assign an app integration to a user

  • Go to Applications tab and Click on your application.
  • Shopify SSO - application tab
  • Select the Assignments tab.
  • Shopify SSO - assignment
  • Click Assign and select Assign to People.
  • If you want to assign the application to multiple users at the same time then select Assign to Groups [If an app is assigned to a group then, the app will be assigned to all the people in that group]
  • Shopify SSO - select assign people
  • Click Assign next to a user name.
  • Shopify SSO -  click on assign
  • Click Save and Go Back.
  • Shopify SSO - go back
  • Click Done.
  • Shopify SSO - done

1.2 Profile Attributes for the ID Token

  • In your Okta admin dashboard, navigate to Security -> API.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting
  • Select your SSO application and click on the edit icon.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting
  • Go to claims tab and select the ID token option.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting
  • click on Add claim button.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting
  • Give a Name to your claim/attribute and Select ID Token from the token type dropdown. Now, enter the value user.$attribute in the Value field based on the attribute you want to receive. Keep other settings as default and click on Create button.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting
  • Follow the similar steps for all the attributes you want to see. You will have a list similar to the below one.
  • Shopify SSO - create-newclient login button setting

You have successfully completed Okta side configuration.

2. Configure Okta as Identity Provider (IDP) in Shopify

  • Navigate back to the miniOrange Single Sign On-SSO application and click on Add identity Provider button.
  • Shopify SSO - single sign on application
  • Select OAuth protocol.
  • Shopify SSO - Select OAuth protocol
  • From the list of identity providers (IDPs), select Okta.
  • Shopify SSO - Select Okta as IDP
  • Enter the identity provider (IDP) display name.
  • Enter the following values:
  • App Name Custom Provider
    App Display Name Choose appropriate Name
    OAuth Authorize Endpoint https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default/v1/authorize?state=abc
    OAuth Access Token Endpoint https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default/v1/token
    OAuth Get User Info Endpoint (optional) https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default/v1/userinfo
    Client ID From step 1
    Client secret From step 1
    Scope email profile openid
    Shopify SSO - Import Okta Metadata
  • Click on Save.

3. Test Connections

  • After saving the IDP configuration, you will be redirected to Test Connection step.
  • Perform test connection before mapping or fetching attributes, test connection ensures that your IDP configuration is correct.
  • Click on Test Connection.
  • Shopify SSO - Okta login page
  • On entering valid Okta credentials you will see a pop-up window which as shown in below screen.
  • Okta Single Sign On SSO SucessTestConnection
  • Click on the Fetch Attributes to fetch IDP attribute.
  • Shopify SSO - Fetch Attributes from IDP

4. Attribute Mapping

  • Click on the + Attribute Mapping button to map attributes between Shopify and Okta.
  • Shopify SSO - Add Attribute Mapping
  • Map the attributes by referring the table below:
  • Shopify SSO - Add Attribute Values
    Attribute Name in Shopify Choose the attribute from the list of predefined attributes
    Attribute Type IDP Attribute
    Attribute Value Select the attribute value you have fetched from your IDP
  • Click on Save.
  • Navigate to the application home page. Click More actions against the configured IDP, and click on Make Default to set your IDP as default.
  • Shopify SSO - Make Default IDP

5. Testing SSO for your Shopify Store

  • Go to your Shopify Store login page.(https://<your-shopify-storedomain>/account/login)
  • Click on the login button you customized earlier.
  • Shopify SSO - Okta Login Button Test
  • You’ll be redirected to the login page of the IDP you configured in previous step. Log in with your IDP account credentials.
  • You’ll be successfully logged in to your Shopify store.

Hence you have successfully configured Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) using Okta as IDP and Shopify as SP using miniOrange Single Sign-On (SSO) login application. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure access to your Shopify store using Okta login credentials within minutes.



This may be because your primary domain would be different from your Shopify domain. To check your primary domain and make SSO work, follow the steps given here.


This issue arises when either the trial period of your Development plan is expired. Or if your plan is not auto-renewed from the Shopify end. Contact us at to resolve the plan upgrade issue and get smooth functioning of the SSO – Single Sign On Application.


As email is a required entity in Shopify for account creation as well as login operation, Single Sign On is not successful in this case. To resolve this error, please follow given here.


When I am performing SSO, I am getting ‘Please verify if Shopify App is installed’ error. To resolve this error, please follow given here.

If your error or query is not listed here, click here to see others.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I have followed the steps to set IdP but where can I check SSO?

Follow the steps outlined here. to configure SSO in Shopify with your preferred IDP.

I installed the Shopify SSO application. I clicked on the “SETUP IDP” option but nothing opened up.

Redirection to any other site might be blocked in the browser. Please follow the steps given here to resolve the issue.

When I try to perform SSO, I get redirected to the “Incorrect App Configuration” page.

You might be trying to perform SSO in the different tab of the same browser where you have opened our Single Sign-On – SSO Application or accessed the configuration portal of our application. In this case, SSO will be restricted due to security reasons.
Try to perform Single Sign On in a new incognito/private window or in a different browser in order to make SSO work.

After performing SSO, I want my customers to redirect to the collections or discount offer page.

Follow the steps outlined here. to redirect your customer to collections/cart or any other page.

Choose your preferred Identity Provider and start setting up SSO for Shopify right away

If you are looking for anything which you cannot find, please drop us an email on

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