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DLT Registration Process for Sending SMS

What is DLT ?

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) refers to the technological infrastructure and protocols that allows simultaneous access, validation, and record updating in an immutable manner across a network.

DLT Registration Process for Sending SMS

The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has instructed all organizations that want to send SMS to register on DLT platforms to curb unsolicited commercial communication (UCC).

1.  How to register Sender ID

  • Register on any of the DLT platforms below by filling in the required information to get a temporary ID:
  • After verification of your documents, the operator will provide you with a unique Entity ID.
  • Once you get your unique Entity ID, add your telemarketer ID and register your headers in the DLT platforms.
  • Please share your unique Entity ID or Registered ID with us on once you have registered on any of the DLT platforms.
  • Go to Telemarketer tab in the DLT platform. In the Select Telemarketer box search TeleMarketer Name and add your telemarketer ID “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” in the "Enter your Telemarketer ID" textbox. Click on Verify.

2.  How to register a consent template in a DLT portal

  • After you've registered your business and headers (sender IDs), the next step in the DLT registration process is to add consent templates which you can link to content templates in promotional or service categories.
  • Fill the required details :

    Parameters:    Description
    Template Name: Choose whatever you like
    Brand Name: A product or trade name
    Scope of Consent: Description of the message content you plan to send, for example: "To send OTP verification messages for client phone number verification".
  • OTP Verification DLT Consent Template description of message content
  • After filling in the details in the three fields you can submit the template for approval.
  • After consent templates are approved by the registrar, you can link them to content templates in promotional or service categories.

3.  How to register a content template in a DLT portal

  • Select Template > Content Template Registration.
  • There are four types of content templates: transaction, service implicit, service explicit, and promotional.
    For OTP Verification we need to select service implicit.
  • OTP Verification DLT register content templete
  • Select Header from the drop-down list.
  • Add the template content in the "template content" text box, for example: "Dear Customer, Your OTP is {#var#}. Use this Passcode to complete your transaction. Thank You."and click Submit.
  • OTP Verification DLT register content templete click on submit

Once you have registered the SMS template on the DLT platform, please provide us with the following details,so that we can change SMS template and Sender ID.

  • Sender ID
  • Template Text
  • Entity Name
  • Entity ID
  • Template ID
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