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How to setup OTP Verification for Eduma Theme Login Form?

Enhance the security of your Eduma Theme Login Form by integrating our OTP Verification plugin. Users verify their identity by entering a one-time password sent to their Phone or Email. This extra step ensures only authorized users can access their accounts, improving overall login security.

You can download miniOrange OTP Verification plugin using the following link:

Email Verification / SMS Verification / OTP Verification / OTP Authentication

by miniorange

OTP Verification on Email & SMS on all forms. WooCommerce SMS Notification. PasswordLess OTP Login. Custom Gateway for OTP Verification. 24/7 support


Tested with 6.4.1


Follow these steps to setup OTP Verification on Eduma Theme Login Form.

1. Setup Phone verification for Eduma Theme Login Form

  • Go to the "Forms" tab in the OTP Verification plugin.
  • Search and Select "Eduma Theme Login Form".
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Form Section
  • Enable checkbox next to Eduma Theme Login Form.
  • Select the option "Enable Phone Verification".
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_enable Phone
  • Enter the "Phone User Meta Key" text.
  • Click on "Save Settings" button to save your settings.
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Phone user meta key
  • To test the OTP functionality, go to the page with your Eduma Login Theme form.
  • Fill all the requried field and click on "LOGIN" button.
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Login Form
  • A pop-up should come up asking you to verify yourself. Enter the OTP received and click on "Validate OTP".
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Validate OTP
  • On successful verification user should get logged in successfully.

2. Setup Email Verification for Eduma Theme Login Form

  • Go to the "Forms" tab in the OTP verification plugin.
  • Search and Select "Eduma Theme Login Form".
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Form Section
  • Enable checkbox next to Eduma Theme Login form.
  • Select the option "Enable Email Verification".
  • Click on "Save Settings" button to save your settings.
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_choose email
  • To test the OTP functionality, go to the page with your Eduma Login Theme form.
  • Fill all the requried field and click on "LOGIN" button.
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_login
  • A pop-up should come up asking you to verify yourself. Enter the OTP received and click on "Validate OTP".
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_Validate OTP
  • On successful verification user should get logged in successfully.

3. Admin Bypass of OTP Verification at Login

  • Administrators have the option to log in without going through the usual OTP Verification steps that regular users are required to complete.
  • Enable the "Allow administrator to bypass OTP verification during login" option.
  • Eduma Theme Login Form_bypass OTP Verification

For more information about WordPress OTP Verification

For more details and installation process of OTP verification check our plugins page

For more questions check our FAQ page

If you still have any question or further concerns, please feel free to drop an email to

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