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How to create an Employee Directory / Staff Directory in WordPress

For your organization of any size, it’s not feasible that your employee knows details about all their colleagues, mentors or other staff and thus finding the right person that you need to speak to can be difficult. An Employee Directory solves this challenge by enabling you to easily connect or search for the right person with a specific skill set or knowledge in your organization at any time and from anywhere. This helps you easily get the information you are looking for and improves employees' communication, and collaboration, and helps your employees work better together.

Employee Directory in WordPress also helps your Human Resources team to better manage the organization structure and effectively assist your employees. This WordPress Employee Directory acts as a central repository, making it a searchable database to list employees / list staff for providing the required information and help they need to work toward their goals and achieve results. This helps your remote team feel connected and build relationships as well as the company’s culture among your employees.

The Employee Directory - Staff Directory and Listing plugin allows you to create a clear, centrally located system for all the members of your team. This includes details like profile pictures, biography, name, email, contact details, skills, birthday, work anniversary, location, links to social media, etc. and even providing advanced search and filtering options for easy access of profile and WordPress Employee Management.

WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Key Features

Importance of a WordPress Employee Directory / WordPress Staff Directory

Employee Directory Plugin allows you to store, manage, and update important information about everyone in your organization. It also provides extensive functionalities, a few of which are as follows:

  1. Collaboration of Employees: By hosting contact information for all employees in one accessible Wordpress Employee Directory / Staff Directory, employees can collaborate across departments and leverage specific skills and abilities.
  2. Centralized database throughout the organization: The centralized database not only helps employees in collaborating with each other but also helps the management to keep a track of the existing as well as previous employees as per requirement along with their personal information with complete security. The entire Employee / Staff directory will be available for easy WordPress Employee / Team Management.
  3. Syncing of Employee data: Employee data can be synced from the organization’s Identity Provider or Active Directory into WordPress to maintain a regularly updated centralized database / directory of these employees.
  4. Segregation and Grouping of Employees (list employees according to different categories): Employees can be segregated on the basis of the filters such as Employee Type, Departments, Location, Job Title, etc. for easy search of an individual employee or group of employees based on different attributes from a huge database. List employees according to various categories (default or custom).
  5. Personalisation of Employee data: WordPress Directory plugin would allow each employee to personalize their profile giving them the freedom of providing as well as updating their personal information to highlight their skills, achievements and form a better bond with employees throughout the organization.
  6. Ease of resource allotment/de-allotment: It smoothens the process of onboarding and off-boarding of employees by helping the organization in resource allotment in terms of providing necessary information about the employee.
  7. Categorization and Filtering Data for WordPress Employee listing: Employees can be divided into different categories and each employee can be in one or multiple categories depending on the information provided in their profile. This would help in further filtering profiles down while searching for a particular employee or group of employees. List WordPress employees and segregate them according to the categories provided.
  8. Employee List with shortcodes: With the help of a single shortcode list employees (all or categorized) and display them on single/multiple pages and can be further filtered by categories. Different shortcodes for showing category specific Employee lists are provided for displaying the listing as per your requirement.

How to create a WordPress Employee Directory / WordPress Staff Directory?

To create your own WordPress Employee Directory / WordPress Staff Directory you need to install and activate our WordPress Employee Directory - Staff Directory and Listing on your WordPress site.

This WordPress Directory Plugin gives you a number of functionalities from profile creation, limiting access to employees to complete Employee collaboration. You can list and categorize employees according to departments, teams etc. Advanced search filter will be available to search an employee according to any field in the employee directory plugin.

Create Employee Profile

  • Navigate to the plugin and click on Add New Employee.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Add New Employees
  • Here you can have all your desired Employee details such as Profile picture, Name, Bio, Email, Contact Information, Designation (Title) of the Employee and so on along with a brief description or summary about them to make the WordPress employee management easy.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Employee Details
  • You Employee can also add Custom Fields exclusive from the default fields to the profile according to your organization’s requirement.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Custom Fields
  • On the right side of the profile page, you can see different filters to provide more distinguished segregation of Employees based on their Gender, Department and Employment Type.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Employee Segregation
  • Similarly, you can Create, Update, Delete terms of different Categories like Departments, Gender, Employment Types via their respective sections as shown below:

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Categories WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Genders WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Employee Types
  • Click on Publish to create the Employee Profile in the WordPress Directory Plugin.
  • Note: You can also Preview the Profile to see how it looks before publishing it.

Restricting Access to Employees

  • The plugin provides you with the option of deciding the visibility of the Employee profile for enhanced security which can be categorized into 3 categories:
    1. Private: Cannot be accessed or viewed by anyone other than the Administrator.
    2. Password Protected: Can only be accessed or viewed by users having the password to access the profile.
    3. Public: Can be accessed or viewed by anyone.
  • This Employee / Staff directory plugin also provides an option of limiting access to Employee details based on WordPress roles.
  • It also has a special feature(SSO protection) of restricting access to the WordPress site unless the user is authenticated through the Identity Provider.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Testing SSO


  • Each employee profile has a unique shortcode that can be added to any page to show the details of a particular Employee.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Shortcodes
  • Other than this the plugin also provides category-specific shortcodes which provide a list of all the employees belonging to that particular category.
  • The plugin also has a directory shortcode that can be used to display all the employees belonging to the WordPress directory.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Display all Employees
  • These shortcodes also give you the ability to filter your employees according to the categories and their terms.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Sorting by Department

Search and filter for WordPress Employee listing

  • nce the wordpress Staff Directory / Employee Directory is created, you can use search filters to filter specific employees from the WordPress Employee directory that can be based on one or more parameters such as Departments, Gender, Title, Employment Type, Designation and so on.

  • WordPress Employee Directory Staff Listing - Sort by Department
  • Searching improves user experience speeding up your visitor’s search process and giving quick results. Filtering can be particularly useful if your site has categorical data and helps in getting the exact required employee details. This may add to new options for the visitor to filter their results according to the category he/she is searching for.


  • The WordPress Directory plugin provides an option to sort the employee listing in the directory in ascending or descending order as per any required Employee attributes.
  • You can alphabetically sort or filter out the result for enhanced search results.

Employee Directory - Staff and Listing plugin not only enables you to create a WordPress Employee Directory / Staff Directory but also provides a seamless experience along with abundant functionalities to maintain your employee database and grants independence to your employees to maintain their own profile and helps in easy employee management, engagement and connection.

If you have any questions or a query regarding a specific use case, please reach out to us at

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