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Secure Your Content with Role-Based Page Restriction on HubSpot

Page restriction restricts the page behind a Single-Sign-On and anyone can access the page after successful SSO. Role Based Page Restriction is a method used in web applications or content management systems to control access to specific pages or sections of a website based on the roles or permissions assigned to individual contacts (user).
That is, after successful SSO, instead of giving access to anyone,only contacts who have permission for that page can view the page. Therefore, the role-based page restriction feature is effective if I wish to restrict access to a page so that only users with the appropriate rights can view it.

miniorange img  How Does Role Based Page Restriction feature Work?

This feature provides access to a page as per selected contact list. This means that a page is only accessible to those contacts who are in your selected contact list. If you do not select any list then by default anyone can access the page after successful SSO.

Let's say we have two contact lists in a HubSpot account which are List1 and List2.

    1. Following are the contacts present in List1 - List1_contact1

    2. Following are the contacts present in List2 - List2_contact1

    3. And you have a website page in your HubSpot account- Web_page_1

Azure AD Single Sign-on (SSO) - Login
  • If you restrict web_page_1 and select contact list list1 then only contacts who are present in contact list list1 (List1_contact1) can access web_page_1.
  • If you select both lists for web_page_1 List1 and List2 then contacts (List1_contact1,List2_contact1) present in both lists can access web_page_1.
  • If you do not select any list then by default Anyone can access after successful SSO.

1. Step to configure Page Restriction into the HubSpot ( Website, Landing Pages, Blogs, Knowledge Base )

  • First, install the miniOrange HubSpot SSO App from the HubSpot Marketplace. After successful installation, configure your IdP and test it. After successfully testing, your page restriction feature will be enabled.
  • In the page restriction tab, you will see a list of your website pages and landing pages there.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)
  • Simply check the checkbox for any page you want to restrict and click on the save button.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)
  • Now your page is restricted and if you open the page URL, you will see a login window there.Anyone with their account in at least one configured IdP can access the page after successful SSO.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Google as Identity Provider
  • So far, we have restricted the page which can be accessible to anyone after successful SSO.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider

We have successfully restricted the Hubspot page, which anyone can access after SSO. Now let's check, if you want to restrict access to this page only to certain contacts (users), our Role Based Page Restriction feature is ideal for this type of use case.

2. Step to configure Role Based Page Restriction

  • Go to your HubSpot account and click on Marketing tab-> Website page.
  • Create your page like, website page, landing page or blog.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • After that create a contact list and navigate to Contacts > Lists and click Create list button.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • In the left panel, select Contact-based to create a list of contacts. And enter a name for the list and select if you want an Active list or a Static list. In my case, it is a static list; you can choose an active list also according to your requirement.
  • click on Next button.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Click on Save List button; now your list is created successfully with the name "admin".
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Now navigate to Contacts > Contacts and select the checkboxes next to the contacts you want to add to the static list.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • At the top of the table, click the More dropdown menu and select Add to static list.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • In the dialog box, select the list from the dropdown menu, then click Add.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Now your contact (Contact A) is added to the contact list "admin".
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Now, go to the miniOrange HubSpot Single-Sign-On App and navigate to the page restriction tab.
  • Go to the page tab according to your page type (website page, landing page). In my case, it is a website page named "Sample Page 1".
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Check the checkbox next to the page to restrict it by role (Contact List). When you check the box, the role-based access option for that page is enabled, and you may now select the role (contact list) for that page.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • As seen above, the contact list we built in our HubSpot account is listed in the option. Now press the save button.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Congratulations, your page has been restricted and is now only accessible to those contacts who are in your selected contact list (in my example, the list is "admin").
  • To test it, open the page URL, and you will see a login screen there, and now the page is accessible if I login with Contact A (as previously configured and present in our contact list "admin").
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
        Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • Now, if any user login with Contact B, the page is inaccessible and displays access prohibited.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using  Identity Provider
  • If you want to disable the restriction for a page, just uncheck the checkbox for that page and save it.

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