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Hydrogen SSO using an IDP for Shopify New Customer Accounts

miniOrange offers a robust solution for implementing Hydrogen SSO using an Identity Provider (IdP) for Shopify new customer accounts. By integrating Shopify SSO with an Identity Provider (IdP), miniOrange enables customers to use a single set of credentials across multiple applications, significantly enhancing user convenience and streamlining the login process. This solution not only simplifies account creation and access but also bolsters security by leveraging the advanced authentication protocols of the IdP. Moreover, it provides a centralized account management system, allowing administrators to efficiently manage user access and permissions. With miniOrange's expertise, businesses can ensure a seamless, secure, and user-friendly experience for their customers.

Pre-requisite: Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO)

miniOrange Provides Secure Single Sign-On (SSO) access to your Shopify store (both plus and Non-plus).

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide for configuring SSO into Hydrogen for New Customer Accounts

1. Configure miniOrange Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) Application

  • Go to your Shopify store and navigate to the App section and click on Single Sign-On (SSO) application.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Add SSO Application
  • Click on the Add identity Provider button to add your IDP.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Add Identity Provider
  • Select SAML protocol.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Select SAML Protocol
  • From the list of identity providers (IDPs), select Custom IDP.
  • Shopify SSO - Select Custom IDP
  • Click on the Get metadata button as shown in the below screen to get the service provider metadata.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Click on Get Metadata
  • Navigate to SP Initiated Metadata section and copy down the ACS URL and Entity ID or Issuer.
  • Shopify SSO - Shopify Login - SP initiated SSO
  • These details will help in configuring your identity provider.

You have completed the Shopify side configuration.

2. Configure your Identity Provider (IDP)

  • You can configure Hydrogen SSO for Shopify New Customer Accounts with various identity providers like Microsoft Entra ID, Auth0, Okta, Salesforce and many more.
  • To configure Shopify as a service provider in your preferred IDP, you can follow step-by-step guides from here.
  • Navigate back to the miniOrange Single Sign On-SSO application and click on Add identity Provider button.
  • Shopify SSO - single sign on application
  • Select SAML protocol.
  • Shopify SSO - Select SAML protocol
  • From the list of identity providers (IDPs), select Custom IDP.
  • Shopify SSO - Select Custom IDP
  • Enter the identity provider (IDP) display name.
  • Click on the Import IDP Metadata button.
  • Shopify SSO - Import Custom IDP Metadata
  • Select one of the upload methods to add the IDP metadata, and click on Import.
  • Shopify SSO - Select Custom IDP
  • Click on Save.

3. Enable SSO for New Customer Accounts

  • Navigate to Advanced Settings, under Store Access Settings is where you will find the option to enable SSO for New Customer Accounts.
  • Enable the Single Sign-On (SSO) for New Customer Accounts shown below.
  • Shopify SSO - Enable SSO for Shopify New Customer Accounts

4. Testing SSO

Testing SSO into Shopify using your custom identity provider credentials.

  • Go to your Hydrogen storefront login.
  • Click on the Sign In button.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Sign in using IDP
  • You’ll be redirected to the login page of the identity provider you configured. Log in with your IDP account credentials.
  • You can see that you have successfully logged in into your Hydrogen storefront.
  • Shopify SSO Login - Hydrogen SSO login successful

Your have successfully configured Hydrogen SSO using an Identity Provider for Shopify New Customer Accounts.

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If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us at or call us at +1 978 658 9387 to find an answer to your question about Shopify Store as IDP Application.

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