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How to translate Password Policy Manager Plugin Using Loco Translate

Password Policy Manager includes user’s password management features like auto password expiration, one click password reset, Enforce strong password, role-based password policy, Enforce strong password for inactive users, password history management and many more. Weak passwords are the primary perpetrator of WordPress hack assaults. To fix this issue, a password policy Manager was developed, password policy will help administrators ensure that their users use strong passwords. Its password strength meter enables you to know the strength of your users’ passwords then you can enforce password change, and you can force them to use strong passwords by configuring a strong password policy for them.

You can download Password Policy Manager plugin using the following link:

add-wordpress sso download plugin

Easy to manage password policies and enforce your user to use a strong password with a user password manager, password expiration, one-click reset of …

 Tested with 6.1

Follow the following steps to translate the password policy plugin:

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