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OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) For Shopify Using Google as an Identity Provider

miniOrange allows Google (OAuth) to act as an IDP (Identity Provider), which allows users to Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using Google Credentials. Our application is compatible with all the SAML / OAuth-compliant Identity Providers. We will go through a step-by-step guide to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into Shopify using Google as IdP (OAuth) (Identity Provider) and Shopify store as SP (Service Provider).

To configure SSO into Shopify with Google (OAuth) as IDP, you will need to install the miniOrange Shopify Single Sign On - SSO Login application on your store.

Youtube-color Created with Sketch.

Check out our video, to learn more about how Shopify SSO application works in Shopify.

Setup guide for Configuring Google as IDP (OAuth) for SSO into Shopify

  • Go to your Shopify store and navigate to the App section and click on Single Sign On - SSO login application.
Shopify Google SSO - navigate to Shopify SSO App

  • Click on the Add Identity Provider button to add your IDP.
Shopify Google SSO - Add Identity Provider

  • Select OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Shopify Google SSO - Select OAuth 2.0 Protocol

  • Now choose Google from the list of IDPs.
Shopify Google SSO - Choose AWS Cognito as IDP

  • Copy the OAuth Callback URL and keep it handy as it will be used in further steps.
Copy Callback URL from SSO App

Shopify Google SSO - Select Project

  • Enter your Project name under the Project Name field and click on Create
Shopify Google SSO - Project name

  • Now, again click on Select a Project (highlighted in the image below) and select the newly created Project by clicking on the project name that you entered in the previous step.
Shopify Google SSO - Select project

  • Go to Navigation MenuAPIs & ServicesCredentials.
Shopify Google SSO - Apis Services

  • Click on the Create Credentials button and then select OAuth Client ID from the options provided.
Shopify Google SSO - Create Credentials

  • In case you are facing some warning saying that to create an OAuth Client ID, you must set a product name on the consent screen (as shown in the below image). Click on the Configure consent screen button.
Shopify Google SSO - Configure Consent

  • Choose how you want to configure and register your app and click on create button.
Shopify Google SSO - Register App

  • Enter the required details such as App Name, User Support Email. and click on Save and Continue button.
Shopify Google SSO - Save app name, email

  • Scroll down and click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
Shopify Google SSO - Continue

  • Now for configuring scopes, click on Add or Remove the Scopes button.
Shopify Google SSO - remove or add scopes

  • Now, Select the Scopes to allow your project to access specific types of private user data from their Google Account and click on Update button.
Shopify Google SSO - update Scopes

  • Add test users for your application. Only test users will be able to access the app.
Shopify Google SSO - Add test user

  • Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button.
Shopify Google SSO - save test user

  • Check all the details in the Summary section.
Shopify Google SSO - check summary

  • Click on the BACK TO DASHBOARD button.
Shopify Google SSO - back to dashboard

  • Click on the Create Credentials button and then select OAuth Client ID from the options provided.
Shopify Google SSO - create credentials oauth client

  • Go to the Credentials tab and click on the Create Credentials button. Select Web Application from the dropdown list to create a new application.
  • Enter the name you want for your Client ID under the name field and enter the Redirect/Callback URI under the Authorized redirect URIs field, which is copied from the Shopify store.
Shopify Google SSO - paste callback url

  • Click on the CREATE button to save your configurations.
  • Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and save it on your Shopify SSO App Configuration.
Shopify Google SSO - client ID and Secret

You have completed Google side configuration.

  • Navigate back to the miniOrange Single Sign On-SSO application.
Shopify Google SSO - Go to Shopify SSO App

  • Click on the Add Identity Provider button to add your IDP.
Shopify Google SSO - Add Identity Provider

  • Select OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Shopify Google SSO - Select OAuth 2.0 protocol

  • From the list of IDPs, select Google.
Shopify Google SSO - Select Cognito IDP

  • Now, fill in the required details like Client ID, Client Secret, Endpoints, and Scope.
  • Please refer to the below table for configuring the values.
IDP Display Name Choose appropriate Name
Client ID From step 2
Client secret From step 2
Scope email profile

  • Click on Save.

You have configured Google Apps as an identity provider (IDP) in Shopify.

  • After saving the IDP configuration, you will be redirected to the Test Connection step.
    Please perform Test Connection before mapping or fetching attributes, test connection ensures that your IDP configuration is correct.
  • Click on the Test Connection button.
Test Connection - Shopify Google SSO

  • On entering valid Google credentials you will see a pop-up window which is shown in the below screen.
Connection Succesfull - Shopify Google SSO

  • Click on the Fetch Attributes button to fetch the IDP attribute.
Fetch Attributes - Shopify Google SSO

  • Click on the + Attribute Mapping button to map attributes between Shopify and Google.
Attribute Mapping - Shopify Google SSO

  • Map the attributes by referring to the table below:
Attribute Name in Shopify Choose the attribute from the list of predefined attributes
Attribute Type IDP Attribute
Attribute Value Select the attribute value you have fetched from your IDP
Map Attributes - Shopify Google SSO

  • Click on Next.
Shopify SSO Login - Enable SSO Login Button

Note: This step applies only to Shopify legacy accounts and not Shopify customer accounts.

  • Navigate to the Enable SSO Button section.
  • The following button attributes can be customized: button text, text below SSO button, background color, text color, width, and height.
Shopify SSO Login - Edit SSO Button

  • By default, the “Enable SSO Button” option is in enabled state.
  • If it is not, enable it first, then click the Enable Extension button, as shown in the image below.
Shopify SSO Login - Enable Extension

  • Enable the SSO Login Widget IDP extension.
  • You will see the Login with miniOrange button added to your Shopify store.
  • Click on Save
Shopify SSO Login - Enable SSO Login Widget

Hence you have successfully configured Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) using Google as IDP and Shopify as SP using miniOrange Single Sign-On (SSO) login application. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure access to your Shopify store using Google login credentials within minutes.

Follow the steps outlined here to configure SSO in Shopify with your preferred IDP.

Redirection to any other site might be blocked in the browser. Please follow the steps given here to resolve the issue.

Follow the steps outlined here to redirect your customer to collections/cart or any other page.

You must upgrade to the SSO application’s Enterprise plan to enable the Auto-Redirect to the IDP feature. Follow the steps outlined here to enable this feature.

Please reach out to us at, and our team will assist you with setting up the Shopify SSO application. Our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.

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