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Absorb LMS Single Sign-On (SSO) for WordPress(WP) Users | Absorb LMS WP SSO Login

Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) Plugin enables Single Sign-On (SSO) login into Absorb LMS using WordPress Login credentials. In this guide we will set up Absorb LMS SSO login for WordPress (WP) users by configuring Absorb LMS as Service Provider (SP) and WordPress as the Identity Provider (IDP).

Note: Premium Version of WP SAML IDP Plugin is required to set up SSO with Absorb LMS.

Pre-requisites: Download And Installation

To integrate the WordPress site as an Identity Provider, you will need to install the miniOrange Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) plugin:

add-wordpress sso download plugin
Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP )
By miniOrange

Single Sign-On (SSO) login with WordPress Users into any Service Provider like Tableau, Zoho, Zoom, Moodle, Canvas LMS, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS, etc.

 Tested with 6.5.2

Steps to configure Absorb LMS Single Sign-On (SSO) Login into WordPress(WP)

1. Setup Absorb LMS as SP (Service Provider) for WordPress SSO login

  • Go to the WordPress IDP plugin, navigate to the IDP Metadata tab.
  • Here, you can find the Identity Provider Metadata URL /XML Metadata or endpoints like IDP Entity ID, SAML Login URL, SAML Logout URL (Premium Feature), Certificate for SP configuration.

  •  Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |Configure SAML SSO in Absorb LMS (SP) with WordPress
  • Log into the Absorb Admin Portal as a System Admin and navigate to Portal Settings.
  • From Portal Settings, there is a button in the right-side context menu labeled Manage SSO Settings .
  • If you can't see this button, please contact your Absorb Client Success Manager to enable this
  •  Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |sso settings
  • Once you have clicked the button, you will be brought to the Manage Single Sign-On Settings page.
    Any existing configurations will appear here, as well as the option to Add a new one.

  •  Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |sso settings
    Name Name of your Identity Provider
    Key The key is the x509 public certificate of the IDP Metadata,you can find this in IDP Metadata as Certificate .
    Mode Choose the principle request mode,either Service Provider Initiated orIdentity Provider Initiated.
    Id Property A unique identifier field chosen in the Absorb LMS to be used as the identifying NameID through the SAML assertion.Select Email Address from the drop-down.
    Login URL This is the URL where Absorb redirects users if they navigate directly to the Portal URL without an active session.You can find this in IDP Metadata as SAML Login URL
    Logout URL (optional) This is the URL where Absorb redirects users when they log out of the Absorb system.You can find this in IDP Metadata as SAML Logout URL
    Automatically Redirect (optional) When turned on, redirects all users who navigate directly to the Portal URL to the Login URL.Note: For the SP Initiated Mode this setting is always enabled.
    Assigned Routes This field allows you to search for and select any existing routes to assign.Assign which routes in your portal you would like to associate with this SSO configuration.

2. Configure WordPress (WP) as IdP (Identity Provider)

  • You would need following credentials from Absorb LMS.
  • Entity ID : e.g. "".
  • ACS URL : Your Acs Url would be different based on the version of learner interface you are using Absorb : e.g. "". Absorb - Learner Experience : e.g. "".

Note : Please ensure you replace "" with your Portal URL. The Portal URL is where your Absorb LMS is hosted. e.g. or https://some.custom.url.

miniorange img Instructions:

  • Open the WordPress site.
  • Install and activate the Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) plugin on your WordPress site which is acting as Identity Provider.
  • Go to the WordPress IDP plugin, navigate to the Service Provider tab.
  • Enter the values corresponding to the information from Absorb LMS. Refer to the table below.

  • Service Provider Name Name of your Service Provider.
    SP Entity ID or Issuer Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from Absorb LMS..
    ACS URL Copy and paste the ACS URL from Absorb LMS.
    NameID Format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    Assertion Signed Checked

     Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |enter sp info
  • Click on the Save button to save your configurations.

3. Attribute Mapping (This is a Premium feature)

  • In the WordPress IDP plugin, navigate to the Attribute/Role Mapping tab.
  • In the User Attributes section, enter the following information and click Save .
  • Name User Meta Data
    FirstName first_name
    LastName last_name
    Username nickname
  • In the Custom Attributes section, enter the following information and click Save .
  • Name Custom Attribute Value
    ExternalDepartmentId MyAbsorbDepartment
      Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |attribute mapping settings

4. Testing SSO

  • Open your WordPress site in an incognito window.
  • Go to the Wordpress IDP plugin, navigate to the Service Providers tab. Here, you can find a list of
    configured Service Providers.
  • Click on Test Configuration.
 Absorb LMS SSO login for WP users |test configuration

If you were able to access Absorb, then your configuration is correct.

In this Guide, you have successfully integrated Absorb LMS SSO via the Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) plugin by configuring Absorb LMS as SP and WordPress as IDP. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure Single Sign-On (SSO) access with SAML 2.0 Authentication into Absorb LMS using WordPress login credentials.

Additional Resources

We offer Secure Identity Solutions for Single Sign-On, Two Factor Authentication, Adaptive MFA, Provisioning, and much more. Please contact us at

 +1 978 658 9387 (US) | +91 97178 45846 (India)



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