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×Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) Plugin enables Single Sign-On (SSO) login into Absorb LMS using WordPress Login credentials. In this guide we will set up Absorb LMS SSO login for WordPress (WP) users by configuring Absorb LMS as Service Provider (SP) and WordPress as the Identity Provider (IDP).
Note: Premium Version of WP SAML IDP Plugin is required to set up SSO with Absorb LMS.
To integrate the WordPress site as an Identity Provider, you will need to install the miniOrange Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) plugin:
Single Sign-On (SSO) login with WordPress Users into any Service Provider like Tableau, Zoho, Zoom, Moodle, Canvas LMS, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS, etc.
Name | Name of your Identity Provider |
Key | The key is the x509 public certificate of the IDP Metadata,you can find this in IDP Metadata as Certificate . |
Mode | Choose the principle request mode,either Service Provider Initiated orIdentity Provider Initiated. |
Id Property | A unique identifier field chosen in the Absorb LMS to be used as the identifying NameID through the SAML assertion.Select Email Address from the drop-down. |
Login URL | This is the URL where Absorb redirects users if they navigate directly to the Portal URL without an active session.You can find this in IDP Metadata as SAML Login URL |
Logout URL (optional) | This is the URL where Absorb redirects users when they log out of the Absorb system.You can find this in IDP Metadata as SAML Logout URL |
Automatically Redirect (optional) | When turned on, redirects all users who navigate directly to the Portal URL to the Login URL.Note: For the SP Initiated Mode this setting is always enabled. |
Assigned Routes | This field allows you to search for and select any existing routes to assign.Assign which routes in your portal you would like to associate with this SSO configuration. |
Note : Please ensure you replace "company.myabsorb.com" with your Portal URL. The Portal URL is where your Absorb LMS is hosted. e.g. https://companyname.myabsorb.com or https://some.custom.url.
Service Provider Name | Name of your Service Provider. |
SP Entity ID or Issuer | Copy and paste the SP-EntityID from Absorb LMS.. |
ACS URL | Copy and paste the ACS URL from Absorb LMS. |
NameID Format | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Assertion Signed | Checked |
Name | User Meta Data |
FirstName | first_name |
LastName | last_name |
Username | nickname |
Name | Custom Attribute Value |
ExternalDepartmentId | MyAbsorbDepartment |
If you were able to access Absorb, then your configuration is correct.
In this Guide, you have successfully integrated Absorb LMS SSO via the Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) plugin by configuring Absorb LMS as SP and WordPress as IDP. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure Single Sign-On (SSO) access with SAML 2.0 Authentication into Absorb LMS using WordPress login credentials.
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