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Alteryx Single Sign-On Login using WordPress as IDP

Alteryx is an Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tool used to automate processes like accounting close, tax filings, regulatory reporting, forecast creation etc. Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) plugin gives you the ability to use your WordPress credentials to log into Alteryx. Here we will go through a step-by-step guide to configure SSO between, Alteryx as Service Provider and WordPress as an Identity Provider.

Pre-requisites: Download And Installation

To integrate the WordPress site as an Identity Provider, you will need to install the miniOrange Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) Plugin:

add-wordpress sso download plugin
Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP )
By miniOrange

Single Sign-On (SSO) login with WordPress Users into any Service Provider like Tableau, Zoho, Zoom, Moodle, Canvas LMS, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS, etc.

 Tested with 6.5.2

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below for Alteryx Single Sign On (SSO)

1. Configure Alteryx for SSO

  • Open your WordPress site, install and activate the Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP ) plugin on your WordPress site
    which is acting as Identity Provider.
  • Now go to the WordPress IDP plugin, navigate to the IDP Metadata tab. Here, you can find the Identity Provider Metadata URL or you can Download the Metadata File.
  • You will find IDP Entity ID, SAML Login URL, SAML Logout URL (Premium Feature), Certificate. You would need these to configure the Service provider(Alteryx).
  • WordPress Alteryx Single Sign On | wordpress saml metadata upload in alteryx as sp
  • Login into your Alteryx account as administrator, select Admin from the toolbar, then select Single Sign-On from the side navigation menu.
  • Click on the Setup icon in the top bar and then select Edit inorder to configure the Settings.
  • Enter the Identity Provider Name. This name displays on users' sign-in screens as the sign in option.
  • To configure Identity Provider details there are two ways.
    1. Import IDP Metadata by URL
    2. Select Import IdP Metadata from URL and paste the IDP Metadata URL here.
    3. Import IDP Metadata by File
    4. Select Add IdP Endpoint or Import IdP Metadata from XML File and upload the IDP Metadata file here.
  • Select Test. If a connection has been successfully established, a green checkmark should appear and then click Save.

2. Configure WordPress (WP) as IdP (Identity Provider)

  • In the WordPress IDP plugin, navigate to the Service Provider tab and enter the values corresponding to the information from Alteryx.
  • Service Provider Name Name of your Service Provider.
    SP Entity ID or Issuer Copy and paste the Entity ID (Issuer) from Alteryx portal.
    ACS URL Copy and paste the Single Sign-On URL from Alteryx portal.
    NameID Format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    Assertion Signed Checked
    WordPress Alteryx Login | enter metadata of alteryx as sp
  • Click on the Save button to save your configuration.

3. Attribute Mapping (This is a premium feature)

    In WordPress:
  • In the WordPress IDP plugin,navigate to the Attribute/Role Mapping tab.
  • In the User Attributes section, enter the following information and click Save .
  • Click on + sign to add attributes.
  • Name User Meta Data
    Email user_email
    1st Name first_name
    Last Name last_name
    WordPress Alteryx SSO | alteryx as sp attribute mapping with wp

Additional Resources

We offer Secure Identity Solutions for Single Sign-On, Two Factor Authentication, Adaptive MFA, Provisioning, and much more. Please contact us at

 +1 978 658 9387 (US) | +91 97178 45846 (India)

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