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Restrict Pages/ Restrict Posts and other content using WordPress Page Restriction

Restrict Pages/ Restrict Posts and other content using WordPress Page Restriction

Developing content for a business or platform with a large number of users might be challenging, especially when it comes to access provision/restriction inside that website (s). WordPress Page Restriction / Post restriction is useful for restricting individual blocks inside a post to offer users a sample of the content rather than restricting entire Pages or Posts. With the help of the WordPress (WP) Page and Post Restriction plugin, you can Protect/Restrict page and post content on your WordPress site.

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To restrict pages and other content in WordPress, you will need to install the miniOrange Page and Post Restriction plugin:

Protect content access for WordPress (WP) | Give access to specific WP pages and posts based on user’s roles and logged in/logged out status | Page restriction and Post Restriction

 Tested with 5.8.2

Guide to configure WordPress Page Restriction | Restrict pages and give content access according to the user roles

miniorange img  Page Access

Global Settings for all Pages: Global settings would allow you to apply settings to all the pages on your WordPress site.

  • Make all Pages Private: Enabling this toggle will allow you to make all the pages private i.e. all the pages can be accessed only by the users who are logged in. Restrict pages in WordPress from users who are not yet logged in.
  • Auto-assign Parent Configurations to all Child Pages: Enabling this option will allow you to assign the same restrictions as parent pages to all the child pages.
  •  WordPress (WP) Page Restriction and Post Protection | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Restrict Content Behaviour
  • The Configure the Restriction Behaviour will display an error message to the restricted users while accessing any post.
  • Also, the restricted users can be shown a customized message or redirected to a specific page before or after logging in by using this feature. (Paid Version)
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
  • Restricted User: A user role that isn’t mentioned in the input box or users who are not logged in will see an error message upon accessing the restricted Page / Post.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Page Restriction
  • To give the content access of pages based on the WordPress roles you can enter the roles of a user in the below table who will be allowed to access the pages. (By default all pages are accessible to all the users irrespective of their roles.)
  • To give the content access to logged-in users you can also tick the checkbox under the Make Pages Private column and then click any of the Save Configuration button.
  • You can also assign the same configuration to the child page by enabling the check box of Auto-assign Parent configurations to Child Pages. (By default all the Child pages are displayed under the Parent Pages).
  • Number of items per page: This feature allows you to select the number of items from the dropdown to be shown in the list. Also, you can search a specific page by entering the page title and then clicking on Search.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
  • For example: If you want the Welcome page to be accessed only by the users who have the role of Subscriber you can provide the following mapping.

miniorange img  Post Access

Global Settings for all Posts: Global settings would allow you to apply settings to all the posts on your WordPress site which will allow you to restrict posts entirely to restrict content of those posts from users.

  • Make all Posts accessible to only logged-in users - Enabling this toggle will allow you to make all the posts private i.e. all the posts can be accessed only by the users who are logged in.WordPress Post restriction for users not logged in.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Restrict Content Behaviour
  • The Configure the Restriction Behaviour will display an error message to the restricted users while accessing any post.
  • Also, the restricted users can be shown a customized message or redirected to a specific page before or after logging in by using this feature. (Paid Version)
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
  • Restricted User: A user role that isn’t mentioned in the input box or users who are not logged in will see an error message upon accessing the restricted Page / Post.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Post Restrictions
  • To give content access to posts based on the WordPress roles you can enter the roles of a user in the below table who will be allowed to access the posts. (By default all posts are accessible to all the users irrespective of their roles.)
  • You can also tick the checkbox under the Make Posts Private column to restrict the post access for the users who are not logged in.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Block Access
  • Under the Block Access tab, you find the option to restrict content of a specific block of the page/post.
  • If you want to allow only logged-in users to view specific content on a page you can use the shortcode [restrict_content].
  • Content between the opening tag [restrict_content] and closing tag [restrict_content] will be visible only to the users who are logged in.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Category Access (Paid Version)
  • Category Restrictions: The category restriction feature specifies which post categories would be accessible to only logged in users OR which user roles should be able to access the post categories in the table.
  • You can also specify the number of items to be displayed on the page from the dropdown.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Tag Access (Paid Version)
  • Tag Restrictions: Tag restriction feature specifies which tag would be accessible to a user or user roles type who is already logged in.
  • You can also specify the number of items to be displayed on the page from the dropdown.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab
miniorange img  Custom Meta Box for restricting while Creating / Editing
  • Page restriction / Post restriction can also be applied from the meta box while creating/editing a page or post.
  • Check the restrictions you want to apply and click on publish.
  • Page restriction | post restriction | restrict WordPress (WP) content - Page/Post Access tab

Additional Resources

  • What is Single Sign-On (SSO) Login?
  • What is page and post restriction plugin?
  • How to restrict content by user roles?
  • Page Restriction and Post Restriction blog

  • If you are looking for anything which you cannot find, please drop us an email on

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