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Magento OAuth Client Integration with WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) | WordPress SSO

Magento OAuth Client Integration with WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) | WordPress SSO

Integration of WordPress Login (WordPress OAuth Single Sign-On) with Magento using OAuth 2.0 Protocol. The Magento OAuth / OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin makes it easy to use OAuth2 to set up WordPress Login on Magento (WordPress Single Sign on).

The plugin can be set up using other Social Media sources, as well as custom OAuth and OIDC providers. It contains a lot of Single Sign-On (SSO) features, like Attribute Mapping for user profiles, Role Mapping, and so on. In this guide, we'll go over how to set up SSO between Magento and WordPress. At the end of this article, users should be able to log into Magento using WordPress. Click here to read more about the Magento OAuth Single Sign-On (OAuth & OpenID Connect Client) plugin's extra features.

The Magento OAuth & OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin makes it possible to log into Magento securely using WordPress as an OAuth and OpenID Connect provider. You can also use alternative Oauth providers, such as Azure B2C, Office 365, and other custom providers, to configure the plugin. Advanced Single Sign-On features such as user profile Attribute Mapping, Role Mapping, and so on are supported. We'll go over how to set up SSO between Magento and WordPress in this article. Users should be able to log in to Magento through WordPress by the end of this guide.

Click here to know more about other features we provide in Magento OAuth Single Sign-On ( OAuth & OpenID Connect Client ) plugin

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

Installation using Composer:
  • Purchase the miniOrange OAuth / OpenID Connect Single Sign On extension from magento marketplace.
  • Go to My profile -> My Purchases
  • Please ensure you are using correct access keys (My Profile - Access Keys)
  • Paste the access keys in your auth.json file inside your project
  • Use the below command to add the extension to your project.
    "composer require miniorange_inc/miniorange-oauth-sso"
  • You can see the module name and list of versions in the selector below the extension module name.
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension.
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Manual Installation:
  • Download the miniOrange OAuth OpenID Connect Single Sign-On extension zip from here.
  • Unzip all contents of the zip inside the MiniOrange/OAuth directory.
  • {Root Directory of Magento} app code MiniOrange OAuth
  • Run the following commands on command prompt to enable the extension.
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Magento OAuth OpenID Connect SSO extension allows login (Single Sign-On) into Magento with your Azure AD, Azure B2C, AWS Cognito, WSO2, Okta, LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, Slack, Discord or other custom OAuth 2.0 providers [24/7 SUPPORT]

 Tested with 2.4.5

miniorange img Installation Steps for WordPress OAuth Server Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin

  • Log into your WordPress instance as an admin.
  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins and click on Add New.
  • Search for a WordPress OAuth Server Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin and click on Install Now.
  • Once installed click on Activate.

Steps to Configure WordPress OAuth & OpenID Single Sign-On (SSO) Login into Magento

1. Setup WordPress as OAuth Provider

Follow the steps below to configure WordPress as OAuth Provider

miniorange img Configure WordPress as OAuth Provider
  • Go to miniOrange OAuth Server on the left side menu and select Custom OAuth 2.0 Client app.
  • WordPress Single Sign-On, Select OAuth Client
  • You will see Add Client Section now. Enter the Client Name and Redirect URI/URL and then Save Client in order to get the Client ID and Client Secret. Save these details.
  • Login with WordPress into magento Add Client
  • Note down the Client ID and Client Secret
  • Magento Single Sign-On with WordPress, Client ID and Secret

2. Configuring Magento 2 as OAuth Client

  • After successfully configuring OAuth Provider, go to OAuth Provider tab and configure OAuth Provider Name, Client ID, Client Secret, Scope and provided endpoints. (You can copy these values in STEP 2 from the application dashboard.)

    Please refer below Endpoints to configure the OAuth client

    Scope: profile openid email custom
    Authorize Endpoint: https://{site_base_url}/wp-json/moserver/authorize
    Access Token Endpoint: https://{site_base_url}/wp-json/moserver/token
    Get User Info Endpoint: https://{site_base_url}/wp-json/moserver/resource
  • Click on the Save button to save the settings.
  • Click on the Test Configuration button.
  • Magento 2 OAuth credentials AWS Cognito SSO OAuth
  • You will see all the values returned by your OAuth Provider to Magento in a table. If you don't see value for First Name, Last Name, Email or Username, make the required settings in your OAuth Provider to return this information.

3. Sign-In Settings

  • Navigate to Sign-in Settings tab. Here you find the option the enable the login link on Admin*/Customer Login Page (*Admin SSO is available in the premium versions)
  • Magento 2 SSO AWS Cognito Single Sign-on (SSO) Admin Customer SSO
  • If you want to initate SSO from any page you can also use the SSO link provided in the extension.
  • Magento SSO using SSO link Magento 2 SSO AWS Cognito
  • The Premium extension also provides you the the feature to auto redirect your user to the IdP Login Page if the user is not already logged in.
  • Magento 2 OAuth auto redirect to idp

4. Customer / Admin SSO

  • Go to customer login page and you will see the SSO button on your frontend. Click on the button and test the SSO.
  • Magento 2 OAuth SSO customer SSO
  • You will be sucessfully logged in into Magento.
  • magento SSO magento 2 OAuth client SSO Admin SSO

Attribute / Custom Attribute Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

1.1: Attribute Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

  • You can map attributes in the Attribute Mapping tab. Only username and email are allowed to be mapped in free version of the plugin. However, in the premium version of the plugin, you can map various attributes coming from your OAuth Provider to the attributes present in your Magento site.
  • Magento 2 OAuth attribute mapping

1.2: Custom Attribute Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

  • Enter your table name in Table field.
  • Enter attribute name as your column name (in the respective table)
  • Click on Add button for adding custom magento attribute and map the respective field with the attribute receiving from your identity provider
  • Click on save button for saving the configuration.
  • You can also delete the configuration by entering the name in attribute name field and then click on delete button.
  • Magento 2 OAuth custom attribute mapping

Role Mapping (Optional). *This is Premium feature.

  • You can specify a default role in the free plugin that will be allocated to all non-admin users when they conduct SSO.
  • Go to Attribute/Role mapping tab and navigate to Role Mapping section.
  • Select the Default Role and click on the Save button.
  • AWS Cognito Magento SSO - AWS Cognito Single Sign-On(SSO) Login in Magento - role mapping

By configuring WordPress as an OAuth Provider and Magento as an OAuth Client using our Magento OAuth Client plugin, you have successfully installed Magento WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO). Within minutes, you'll be able to provide safe access to your Magento site utilising WordPress login credentials thanks to this solution.

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