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Automatic Post Sync from External APIs to WordPress Site

Automatic Post Sync from External APIs to WordPress Site

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create, manage and publish digital content, such as blog posts, articles, and news updates. One of the most useful features of WordPress is the ability to create posts.

With miniOrange WordPress Post Sync Plugin, developers can integrate WordPress with other external and third-party system APIs, and automate the process of creating and publishing content. In this blog post, we will discuss how to sync a WordPress post from an external API automatically .

Automatic Post Sync from External APIs

miniorange img  Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

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miniorange img Here is an example use case

Our use case involves a website that publishes news articles. The website has a backend system that receives news articles from journalists and stores them in a database. We want to automate the process of publishing these news articles on our WordPress website.

To automate this post-creation process, you can use our WordPress Post Sync using API plugin which will sync the news articles from the external or third-party APIs to WordPress easily and automatically.

Let's say you have an API that provides you with the data which you want to display on your WordPress site. Maybe you're pulling in news headlines, product listings, or weather data. Instead of manually creating a new post for each piece of data, you can use the miniOrange Post Sync plugin to automatically create posts based on the API data.

miniorange img  How does Sync Posts from API work on WordPress?

  • Install and Configure the miniOrange Post Sync Plugin
    • To get started, you'll need to install the miniOrange Post Sync plugin on your WordPress site. Once installed, you'll need to configure the plugin settings to connect to your API securely. The plugin supports a variety of authentication methods, so you can securely connect to your API using an API key, OAuth 2.0, Bearer token, or Basic Authentication.

  • Define Post Templates
    • Next, you'll need to define post templates for the plugin to use when creating new posts. Post templates allow you to specify how the API data should be formatted in the WordPress post. For example, you might define a template that includes the title, description, and image of a news article.

  • Configure Post Sync Settings
    • Once you have your post templates set up, you'll need to configure the post-sync settings. This includes specifying how often the plugin should check the API for new data automatically, and what types of posts to create. You can also set up filters to exclude certain data from being synced, or to only sync data that meets certain criteria, if your API provides filtering option.

miniorange img  What are the benefits of Using the miniOrange Post Sync Plugin?

Using the miniOrange Post Sync plugin can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating and updating posts on your WordPress site using external APIs. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Automation: The plugin automates the process of creating posts based on API data, so you don't have to do it manually.
  • Customization: The plugin allows you to customize how the API data is formatted in the WordPress post, giving you more control over how your site displays the data.
  • Flexibility: The plugin supports a variety of authentication methods and API types, so you can use it with a wide range of APIs.
  • Time savings: By automating the WordPress post creation process, you can save a significant amount of time and focus on other aspects of managing your WordPress site.
  • Advanced Custom Field Support: miniOrange Post Sync plugin also allows you to sync the API data into the ACF fields that you may have created for your use case.
  • XML/ JSON: Our plugin supports different data types like XML and JSON.
  • Various data source: miniOrange Post Sync plugin allows you to get data from External API, CRM, other WP site, or any other CMS.

In conclusion, the miniOrange Post Sync plugin is a powerful tool for automating the process of creating posts on WordPress using data from an external API. By configuring post templates, and sync settings, you can save time and effort while keeping your site up to date with the latest information.

miniorange img Steps to configure WP Post Sync plugin

You need to follow these steps to setup the WP Post Sync plugin and set everything in motion:

Step 1: Connect to the external REST API from where you want to get the data.

  • Go to Custom API for WP plugin and go to Connect to External API tab. Fill in the required details and click the Save button.
  • By clicking the Execute button, you can also confirm if you connect the API properly.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Azure Ad as Identity Provider

Step 2: Map the API data to your WP Post attributes.

  • Go to miniOrange Post Sync plugin and click on Add Connection.
  • Fill the required fields and click on the Save Connection button. Please Note: Connection Name must be same as configured in Custom API plugin.
  • Slug Attribute is mandatory and shouldn't be left blank.
  • Choose the Post Type from the given dropdown.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Azure Ad as Identity Provider
  • In the Scheduling Section, the time is in UTC time-zone.
  • Start the sync by clicking the start icon which is near your connection name.
  • Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Azure Ad as Identity Provider

Step 3: You can go to Sync Analytics tabs to check the current status and progress of the sync.

Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Azure Ad as Identity Provider

Step 4: If you have setup everything then you should see the posts in your WP Post tab like this:

Enable  Hubspot Single Sign-On(SSO)  Login using Azure Ad as Identity Provider

Congratulations! You have successfully setup WordPress Post sync from an external API.

miniorange img Check out our other Products

WordPress REST API Authentication plugin provides the security for unauthorized access to your WordPress REST APIs. It provides you with a variety of authentication methods like Basic Authentication, API Key Authentication, OAuth 2.0 Authentication, JWT Authentication.

 Tested with 6.2

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Automatic Post Sync from External APIs to WordPress

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