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Zendesk Single Sign On (SSO) with WordPress as IDP | Login into Zendesk using WordPress


Zendesk Support is a system for tracking, prioritizing, and solving customer support tickets. It puts all customer information in one place so that everything is in a single location. Zendesk Guide provides machine learning powered, self-service customer support, using a combination of the Zendesk API, Web Widget, and Mobile SDK as Zendesk Embeddables.

Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) plugin gives you the ability to use your WordPress credentials to log into Zendesk. Here we will go through a step-by-step guide to configure SSO between, Zendesk as Service Provider and WordPress as an Identity Provider.

Pre-requisites: Download and Installation

To integrate the WordPress site as an Identity Provider, you will need to install the miniOrange Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP) plugin:

add-wordpress sso download plugin
Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP )
By miniOrange

Single Sign-On (SSO) login with WordPress Users into any Service Provider like Tableau, Zoho, Zoom, Moodle, Canvas LMS, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS, etc.

 Tested with 6.5.2

  • Login to WordPress using Administrator account.
  • Click on the WordPress IDP option in the menu bar, and select Service Providers tab.
plugin setup zendesk as sp

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below for Zendesk Single Sign On (SSO)

1. Configure Zendesk as SP (Service Provider)

  • Open a new browser tab or window, Log in to your Zendesk Domain as Admin.
  • Click on the Settings icon in the left pane.
  • zendesk selection zendesk as sp
  • Then select Security in the Settings panel.
  • Choose the Single Sign On (SSO) option and select SAML.
  • enter idp info zendesk as sp
  • Switch back to the tab / window with the IDP Metadata. Enter the information into the corresponding fields.
  • SAML SSO URL Copy and paste the SAML Login URL.
    Certificate Fingerprint Follow the steps below to copy the Thumbprint of certificate:
    1. Download and open the Certificate.
    2. Go to Details and in the field column select Thumbprint.
    3. Copy the Thumbprint that opens in the pane by pressing CTRL+C / Command+C (Right-Click wont work!).
    4. Paste the Thumbprint in the Certificate Fingerprint.
    Make sure that there are no spaces in between the Certificate Fingerprint. Remove them manually.
    Remote Logout URL Copy and paste the SAML Logout URL.
  • Click on Save button to save the Single Sign On (SSO) SAML settings.

You have successfully configured the Zendesk as Service Provider (SP).

2. Configure WordPress as the Identity Provider

  • Go to WordPress IDP Plugin on the Dashboard and select Service Providers tab.
  • Enter the following information into the corresponding fields. Click Save.
  • Service Provider Name Zendesk
    SP Entity ID or Issuer
    NameID Format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
    enter sp info zendesk as sp
  • Click on the IDP Metadata tab.
  • idp metadata zendesk as sp

In this Guide, you have successfully integrated Zendesk - SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) with plugin- Login using WordPress Users (WP as SAML IDP). Configuring Zendesk as SP and WordPress as IDP. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure Single Sign-On (SSO) access with SAML 2.0 Authentication into Zendesk using WordPress login credentials.

Additional Resources

We offer Secure Identity Solutions for Single Sign-On, Two Factor Authentication, Adaptive MFA, Provisioning, and much more. Please contact us at

 +1 978 658 9387 (US) | +91 97178 45846 (India)

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