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Send WordPress Emails Using Office 365/ Microsoft Graph APIs | WP Outlook Email Integration

Configure WordPress to seamlessly send emails and notifications through Outlook by replacing the default SMTP with Microsoft Graph APIs/Office 365 Suite. Enhance your email communication by integrating these powerful tools, ensuring reliable and efficient delivery of messages from your WordPress platform. This can be achieved by using our Sync for Azure AD Office 365 plugin.

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

To Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 you would need the following Pre-requisites.

  • You will need Azure AD Global Administrator Access.
  • Our WordPress User Sync for Azure AD Office 365

User Sync for Azure AD Office 365 provides user synchronization from Azure/AzureB2C/Office365 to the WordPress. The plugin uses Microsoft graph API to fetch users from Microsoft Azure active directory.

 Tested with 6.4

Steps to configure User Sync for Azure AD Office365 plugin:

1. Configure the Azure AD App registration

Follow the steps below to configure Azure AD Sync plugin:

  • Log in to Azure AD Portal as an Administrator.
  • You will be represented with the home screen of Azure Active Directory.
  • Under the Azure Services section, select Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Home Screen
  • In the left tab, under the Manage section, select App registrations tab.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - App registraton
  • Click on the New Registration option.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - App registraton
  • Assign the Display Name in the name field and choose the account type.
  • In the Redirect URI field, provide the URL of your WordPress site and click on Register button.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Account type
  • After the registration of an application, Azure AD assigns an unique application ID to your application.
  • Navigate to the Overview tab, in the left pane.
  • Copy the Application ID and the Directory ID, this will be your Client ID and Tenant ID.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Application
  • From the left navigation pane, navigate to the Certificates & secrets tab.
  • Click on New client secret. Enter the description and expiration time and click on the ADD option.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Certificate and Secrets
  • Copy the value of Secret Key. This will be your Client Secret Key.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Client Secret
miniorange img Add API Permissions to your Azure AD Application:
  • Go to API Permissions from the left navigation pane and click on Add a permission option.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - API permission
  • Select Microsoft Graph under the Microsoft APIs tab.
  • Select Application Permissions and search for the Mail.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - App permission
  • Under Mail select Mail.Send permission and click on the Add Permissions button.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - permissions
  • Similarly Search for User in the Application Permission.

  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Group Permissions
  • Under User select User.Read.All permission and click on the Add Permissions button.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Group Permissions
  • Click on Grant admin consent for Default Directory and click on Yes on grant admin consent confirmation.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Admin consent

You have successfully configured the Azure AD app to send email on your WordPress Site.

2. Configure User Sync for Azure AD Office365 plugin

  • Navigate to the User Sync for Azure AD/Office365 plugin.
  • Under the Manage Application tab, click on the Get Started button of Manual (Custom App) to get the Manual App Configuration form.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Manageapp
    Application ID Paste the Application ID from Azure AD App.
    Client Secrets Paste the Client Secret from the Azure AD App.
    Redirect URI Enter the URL of your WordPress site.
    Tenant ID Paste the Directory ID from Azure AD App.
  • Paste the required information copied from the Azure AD App.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Manageapp
  • Click on Save button to save the configurations.

3. Test Connection

  • Go to Users Section in your Azure Active Directory and copy the UserPrincipalName of any user
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Test configuration
  • Enter the UserPrincipleName / ID of any user of your Azure AD Application and click on the Save button.
  • Click on the Test Configuration button to check if the correct user attributes are getting for the entered UserPrincipleName value.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Enter User UserPrincipalName
  • On successful configuration you will be to able to view the attributes recieved from Azure AD.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - View User Attributes

4. Send Emails Using Microsoft Graph API

  • Navigate to the Mail tab of the plugin.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Plugin Mail tab
  • There are two types of functionality provided by our plugin to send an email to user using Microsoft graph
  • You can send an email to any other user email using your licensed Microsoft Office 365 exchange account's user principal name. Please ensure that the licensed user mailbox is active.
  • To check the status of the user mailbox, please follow the steps mentioned in the following link here.
  • In the “From” field, enter the UserPrincipalName/Object ID of your Microsoft Office365 Exchange licensed user account.
  • In the "To" field, add recipients.
  • Enable the Toggle Save Emails to Sent Items to automatically save emails.
  • Click on Save and then click on Send Test Email.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - Manual setup
  • Enable this option to send a welcome email when a new user is synced/registered on your WordPress site.
  • Scroll down to Send Emails on the User registration section in the Mail tab in the plugin.
  • Enable the Toggle Button to Send a welcome email to new users then click on Save to activate the settings.
  • Configure Microsoft Graph API for Azure AD and Office 365 - User registartion

You have successfully configured User Sync for Azure AD Office365.

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