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Connect Shopify and Thinkific to Enroll User in Thinkific for Shopify Purchase

Shopify Thinkific Integration not only simplifies the management of your digital products but also enhances the overall user experience for both you and your customers. You can streamline and automate crucial aspects of your online education business by utilizing features such as Automatic Course Enrollment, Real-Time Updates, Course/Product Mapping, Bulk Course Management, and Synchronized Product Listings. This guide will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring a seamless and efficient integration.

Pre-requisite: SyncUP - Course Sync Application

To Integrate Shopify with your Thinkific LMS, you will need to add the miniOrange: SyncUP - Course Sync Application on your Shopify store:

Shopify Thinkific Integration allows you to enroll users into Thinkific LMS Courses based on product purchases from Shopify. Sync users between multiple stores/applications.

Step by Step guide for integrating your Shopify Store and Thinkific LMS

1. Add application on your Store

  • Install Shopify SyncUP - Course Sync Application by clicking on the Add app button in the Shopify App Store.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - install Application
  • Click on the Install app button at the right-top or bottom of the screen.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Add Application
  • Go to your Shopify store, click on Apps tab, and select SyncUP: Course Sync application.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Go to SyncUp app
  • To integrate Thinkific with Shopify click on the LMS Integration option.
  • Connect Shopify with Thinkific - LMS Integration option

2. Configure Thinkific in Shopify

  • Select the Thinkific section as shown in the below image.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Select Thinkific LMS
  • Enable the Enroll Course option.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Select Thinkific LMS
  • To Integrate Shopify with Thinkific LMS you will need a Thinkific API Key and Thinkific Subdomain from the Thinkific LMS site.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Thinkific Key and Subdomain
  • Login to your Thikific LMS site and click on Settings.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Login into Thinkific Site
  • Navigate to the Code & analytics section and scroll down to the API option as shown in the below image.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - code and analytics section
  • Copy down the API Key (Shared Key) and Subdomain.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - copy API key and subdomain
  • Go back to your SyncUp Application and paste the Thinkific API Key and Thinkific Subdomain copied in the above Step.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - paste Thinkific API key

3. Map Shopify Products with Thinkific Courses

  • Click on the (+) icon to map your Shopify Product with Thinkific Course/Bundle.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - add mapping
  • Search for the Product in the Shopify Product section.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - search Shopify Product
  • Now you need to enter the Course/Bundle ID in the Thinkific Course ID section. To get the Course/Bundle ID from Thinkific LMS, follow the steps given below:
  • Go to your Thinkific LMS site and navigate to Learning Products >> Courses/Bundles section. Click on the Course/Bundle you want to map with Shopify Product.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Add Thinkific Course ID
  • Here you can find the Course/Bundle ID in the URL as shown in the below image. Copy the Course/Bundle ID.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Copy Thinkific Course ID
  • Navigate back to the SyncUp - Course sync application and paste the copied Course/Bundle ID in the Thinkific Course ID section.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Paste Thinkific Course ID
  • Enter the Customer Tag you want to assign to the customer after course completion.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Add Customer Tag
  • If the course you are mapping has an expiry (in months), then enter the Expiry months value in the Course Expiry section. In case your courses don't have an expiry leave it black.
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Add Course Expiry
  • Select the Course Type (Course or Bundle).
  • Shopify Thinkific Integration Guide - Connect Shopify with Thinkific - Add Package Type
  • Click on Save.
  • If you want to map more Shopify Products with Thinkific Courses/Bundles, click on the (+) sign.
Hence you have successfully mapped your Thinkific Courses/Bundles with Shopify products.

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