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miniOrange Automated User Provisioning into WordPress using SCIM

Configure WP user provisioning using SCIM with miniOrange IDP. Our WordPress (WP) SCIM plugin allows you to automate user creation, update and delete user information from the IDP (identity provider) in real-time to your WordPress site. This guide will enable you to configure SCIM user provisioning for your WordPress site using miniOrange as the Identity Provider, to achieve seamless automated real-time WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM user provisioning.


miniorange img The following provisioning features are supported:

  • Push New Users : New users created through miniOrange will also be created in the third party application.
  • Push Profile Updates (Premium Feature): Updates made to the user's profile through miniOrange will be pushed to the third party application
  • Push User Deactivation (Premium Feature): Deactivating the user or disabling the user's access to the application through miniOrange will deactivate/delete the user in the third party application.
  • Note: For this application, deactivating/delete a user will depend on the miniOrange SCIM user provisioning add-on.

  • Reactivate Users (Premium Feature): User accounts can be reactivated in the application.
  • Note: For the Reactivating the user it is required to select the Deactivation mode in the SCIM user provisioning add-on.

miniorange img Future Enhancements in the Plugin:

  • Import Groups
  • Sync password
  • Enhanced group push

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

To configure miniOrange as IDP with WordPress, you will need to install the miniOrange SCIM user provisioning plugin:

SCIM User Provisioning plugin, Create, Update, delete users from Azure AD, miniOrange, OneLogin, G-suite, Centrify, JumpCloud, Idaptive, Gluu, WS02 and all SCIM …

 Tested with 6.2

To get the premium plugin, please contact us at

Follow the steps below for configuring miniOrange SCIM user provisioning in WordPress (WP)

Step 1: Configure WP SCIM user provisioning plugin

  • Navigate to the SCIM Configuration tab.
  • Select the Identity Provider as miniOrange from the dropdown.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | SCIM Configuration tab
  • You can find the SCIM Base URL and Bearer token in the SCIM configuration tab of the plugin (Note these values down for configuring application in miniOrange IDP).
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | SCIM Base URL and Bearer token

Step 2: Configure miniOrange for SCIM provisioning

Case 1: Only Provisioning (Just want to enable provisioning through miniOrange)

  • Login into your miniOrange console and navigate to the Apps section.
  • Go to the Apps section>>Add Application>>select Provisioning.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Configure API Integration
  • Enter your Custom Application Name, SCIM Base URL and Bearer token copied from the SCIM Configuration tab of the SCIM user provisioning plugin.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Enable API Integration
  • You can also send your desired attributes from your IDP to WordPress by simply adding the Target Attributes and selecting the value of those attributes in miniOrange Attributes.
  • Note: The following attributes are required for SCIM User Provisioning in WordPress.

    WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | General setting
  • Click on Save.

Case 2: If you want provisioning using SAML

  • Login into your miniOrange console and navigate to the Apps section.
  • Go to Apps >> SAML/Ws-Fed apps >>WordPress ( SAML ).
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | SAML App WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | WordPress App
  • Provide a suitable Custom Application Name for your application.
  • Note: You can setup Single Sign-On into WordPress with miniOrange as IDP by following the steps given here.

    WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | SP Metadata
  • Navigate to the Provisioning tab and enter your SCIM Base URL and Bearer token copied from the SCIM Configuration tab of the SCIM User Provisioning plugin.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Bearer URL and Token
  • You can also send your desired attributes from your IDP to WordPress by simply adding the Target Attributes and selecting the value of those attributes in miniOrange Attributes.
  • Note: The following attributes are required for SCIM User Provisioning in WordPress.

    WordPress Okta SCIM User Provisioning | General setting
  • Click on Save to save your configuration.

Step 3: Enable Provisioning Features

  • This feature allows you to enable automatic provisioning / de-provisioning of users in the app when a user gets created, updated or deleted in miniOrange.
  • Click on the toggle switch of the feature you want to provide with automatic provisioning or de-provisioning.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Provisioning to App

Step 4: De-provisioning of Users [This is a premium feature]

  • You can select the deprovisioning mode in the SCIM configuration tab of the SCIM User Provisioning plugin.
  • By default, De-provisioning will delete the users from the WordPress site.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | De-Provisioning options

Step 5: Attribute Mapping for SCIM Users [This is a premium feature]

  • Attribute Mapping feature allows you to map the user attributes sent by the IDP during SCIM Provisioning to the user attributes at WordPress. These attributes can be seen on right hand corner.
  • Custom Attribute Mapping: This feature allows you to map any attribute sent by the IDP to the usermeta table of WordPress.
  • Click on Add Attribute button to add custom attribute field.
  • Under the Custom Attribute Name field, enter the attribute name you want to map.
  • Under the Attribute Name from the IDP filed, select the IDP attribute from the dropdown that you want to map.
  • Enable the toggle for an attribute if you want to display it in the WordPress Users table.Then Click on Save.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Configured Attribute Mapping

Step 6: SCIM Audit [This is a premium feature]

  • SCIM Audit allows you to keep the track of all the provisioning activity taking place. It shows you the detailed information about each user being provisioned. This information includes the User Action, Status, Created Date etc.
  • In the miniOrange SCIM User Provisoner plugin, naviagate to the SCIM Audit tab.
  • Here you can see all the User provision information.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Audit value
  • Click on the Show Advanced Search button, to search the provisoned user details by using the search filters like Wordpress Username, IP Address etc.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Show Advanced Search
  • On clicking the Clear Reports button, you can clear all the user provisioned details.
  • WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Clear Reports

With this guide, we have successfully configured SCIM user provisioning between WordPress (WP) and miniOrange IDP as the identity provider (IDP) using the WordPress SCIM plugin. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out seamless and real-time WordPress miniOrange IDP SCIM user provisioning within minutes.

Schema Discovery

  • miniOrange SCIM user provisioning plugin doesn’t support Schema Discovery.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Note: WordPress doesn't allow to change userName of a user. You can change the email but not the username.

Additional Resources

Other Supported IDPs

If you are looking for anything which you cannot find, please drop us an email on

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