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Twilio Gateway Setup for OTP Verification plugin | Twilio for WordPress

Here are the steps to set up the Twilio Gateway for OTP verification, which involves configuring Twilio OTP verification. Twilio, a renowned developer platform, seamlessly integrates communications through multiple telecommunication carriers, ensuring reliable message and call delivery. Our miniOrange OTP Verification Plugin is compatible with Twilio Gateway, enabling SMS text messaging between computers and SMS-capable devices globally. Below are the steps to configure Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification using our plugin.

You can download miniOrange OTP Verification plugin using the following link:

Email Verification / SMS Verification / OTP Verification / OTP Authentication

by miniorange

OTP Verification on Email & SMS on all forms. WooCommerce SMS Notification. PasswordLess OTP Login. Custom Gateway for OTP Verification. 24/7 support


Tested with 6.4.1


Follow these steps to setup Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification plugin

1. Configure Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification

  • Navigate to the OTP Verification plugin from the left side menu.
  • Go to the Gateway Settings tab and select gateway request type as Twilio from the dropdown.
  • Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification - Go Gateway setting tab
  • Please follow this link to complete your registration on the Twilio Gateway.
  • After completing the registration process with Twilio, access your Twilio account by logging in with your credentials.
  • Copy your Twilio Account SID, Twilio Auth Token, and Twilio Phone Number by accessing the Twilio Dashboard.
  • Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification - Copy account SID, Tokan and phone number
  • Go to Gateway Settings and paste your copied Twilio Account SID, Twilio Auth Token, and Twilio Phone Number into the respective fields.
  • Then click on the Save Settings button to save Twilio Gateway configuration.
  • Twilio for WordPress - Fill all details

2. Test Twilio SMS Gateway Configuration

  • Navigate to the OTP Settings sub-tab within the OTP Verification plugin's Settings tab.
  • Create your SMS Template and click on the Save Settings button.
  • Twilio OTP Verification - Go to settings tab
  • Navigate to the Gateway Settings tab.
  • Enter phone number with country code and click on the Test Configuration button.
  • Twilio SMS OTP - Enter mobile number
  • You will receive the OTP on your phone number via the Twilio Gateway.
  • Hence in this way, you can easily configure Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification.
  • Note: If you receive an error message on test configuration you can check this guide for reference. Twilio Error Code

For more information about WordPress OTP Verification

For more details and installation process of OTP verification check our plugins page

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