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Joomla SAML SP Template

3. Configure Joomla as Service Provider

In Joomla SAML plugin, go to Service Provider Setup tab. There are three ways to configure the plugin:

SAML SSO Single-Sign-On By Uploading Metadata File:

  • In Joomla SAML plugin, go to Service Provider Setup tab, then click on Upload IdP Metadata.
  • Upload IDP Metadata

SAML SSO Single-Sign-On By Metadata URL:

  • Enter Metadata URL (Copy from IDP app) and click on Fetch button.
  • Upload IDP Metadata

SAML SSO Single-Sign-On Manual Configuration:

  • Copy SAML Entity ID, SAML Single-Sign-On Endpoint URL and X.509 certificate from Federation Metadata document and paste it in Idp Entity ID or Issuer, Single Sign-on URL, X.509 Certificate fields respectively in the plugin.
IdP Entity ID or Issuer
SAML Entity ID in the Federation Metadata document
Single Sign-On URL
SAML Single-Sign-On Endpoint URL in the Federation Metadata document
X.509 Certificate Value
X.509 Certificate in the Federation Metadata document

    manual Configuration
  • Click on Save button and then Test Configuration button.
  • Save configuration
  • Once the test configuration is successful you will get the following window.
  • Test configuration
  • Congratulations you have successfully configured Joomla SAML Service Provider.

4. Attribute Mapping - This is Premium feature.

  • Attributes are user details that are stored in your Identity Provider.
  • Attribute Mapping helps you to get user attributes from your Identity Provider (IDP) and map them to Joomla user attributes like firstname, lastname, address, phone etc.
  • While auto registering the users in your Joomla site these attributes will automatically get mapped to your Joomla user details.
  • Go to Attribute Mapping tab and fill in all the fields.
  • Username:
    Name of the username attribute from IdP (Keep NameID by default)
    Name of the email attribute from IdP (Keep NameID by default)
    Name of the name attribute from IdP

    Joomla SAML Attribute Mapping
  • You can check the Test Configuration Results under Service Provider Setup tab to get a better idea of which values to map here.
  • Note: You can see how Attribute Mapping works here.

Step 5. Group Mapping - This is Premium feature.

  • Group/Role mapping helps you to assign specific roles to users of a certain group in your Identity Provider (IdP).
  • While auto registering, the users are assigned roles based on the group they are mapped to.
  • Joomla SAML SSO Group Mapping
  • Note: You can see how Group/Role Mapping works here.

Step 6. Redirection & SSO Links.

  • Go to Login Settings tab. You can add login Url to Perform SAML SSO in your Joomla site by following the steps below.
  • There are multiple features available in this tab like Auto redirect the user to Identity Provider and Enable Backend Login for Super Users. To use these features, click on the respective checkboxes.
  • Joomla Single Sign On SSO SAML SP Signin Settings
  • Click on the Upgrade tab to check out our complete list of features and various licensing plans. OR you can click here to check features and licensing plans.
  • In case, you are facing some issue or have any question in mind, you can reach out to us by sending us your query through the Support button in the plugin or by sending us a mail at
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