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Setup guide for WordPress SharePoint Integration

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Microsoft Sharepoint WordPress integration can be achieved using our Embed Sharepoint OneDrive Documents WordPress. Synchronize your sharepoint/OneDrive/Office365 user details/documents /files to the WordPress site. We can configure the SharePoint OneDrive Integrator plugin to integrate Microsoft365/Office 365 apps such as Power BI, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Dynamics CRM, OneDrive, and others with WordPress and share their documents/files in your WordPress site.

Pre-requisites : Download And Installation

To configure SharePoint Integration with WordPress, you will need the following pre-requistes:

  • Admin access for Microsft Azure AD / Entra ID.
  • Premium / Enterprise version of Embed SharePoint OneDrive Library/Documents/Files plugin.

WordPress Embed SharePoint OneDrive Documents plugin allows you to embed sharepoint documents/files on your wordpress site.

 Tested with 6.5

1. Setup for Azure AD App configuration

  • Log in to Azure AD Portal, as an Administrator.
  • You will be represented with the home screen of Azure Active Directory.
  • Under the Azure Services section, select Azure Active Directory.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Select Azure Directory
  • Under the Manage section, select App registrations tab.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | App registration
  • Now click on the New Registration option.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | New Registration
  • Write the App Name in the name field and choose the account type. By default account type is selected as Account in this Organizational Directory only
  • In the Redirect URI field, provide the URL of your WordPress site and click on the Register button.
  • Once you have provided the above data you can click on Register button.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | click on register button
  • After the registration of an application, Azure AD assigns an unique application ID to your application.
  • Navigate to the Overview tab, in the left pane.
  • Copy the Application ID and the Directory ID, as this will be used as your Client ID and Tenant ID for configuring the SharePoint Plugin.
  • Therefore, you can keep it handy somewhere like notepad to later use it.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Copy app ID
  • From the left navigation pane, navigate to the Certificates & secrets tab.
  • Click on New client secret to enter the description and expiration time, then click on the ADD option.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | New client secret
  • Copy the Secret Value as shown in the below screenshot. Once you navigate to any other page this value will be hidden so copy and paste it somewhere handy.
  • Note: Make sure you have copied the value of client secret and not the Secret ID as shown in the below image.

    WordPress SharePoint Integration | Secret Key

2. Granting API Permissions to your Azure AD Application:

  • Go to API Permissions from the left navigation pane and click on Add a permission option.

  • WordPress SharePoint Integration
  • Select Microsoft Graph from the list.

  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Folder Path
  • Select Application permissions (2nd option) as type of permissions.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Folder Path
  • Under Sites select Sites.Read.All permission and click on the Add Permissions button.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Folder Path
  • Click on Grant admin consent for <tenant_name> button and then click on Yes from Grant admin consent confirmation window.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Folder Path
  • You can verify the granted status as shown in the image below
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Folder Path

3. Configure Embed SharePoint OneDrive Documents Plugin

    Note : Before you configure the SharePoint Plugin, you would need to configure your Azure AD app first. This will allow you to get all the required endpoints for configuring the plugin.

  • Navigate to the Embed SharePoint OneDrive Documents Premium / Enterprise Plugin.
  • Under the Manage Application tab, paste the information from the Azure AD App and click on Save button.
  • Application ID Copy and paste the Application ID from Azure AD App
    Client Secret Copy and paste the Client Secret from the Azure AD App
    Tenant ID Copy and paste the Directory ID from Azure AD App
    Site URL You can keep this empty if you want to sync all the SharePoint site, otherwise enter the link of specific SharePoint site from where you want to sync documents
    WordPress SharePoint Integration | basic plugin configuration
  • Now click on the save button and then do the test configuration.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Test successful
  • If the connection is successful, you will see the below window.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Test successful
  • Go to the document library tab where it will show the list of your all SharePoint sites initially.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | list of sites
  • Select the required site and it will fetch the drive residing under that site.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | select drive
  • You can see all the documents and folders present in that drive by selecting it.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | view all files in the drive

4. Generate Shortcode to Embed View

  • Navigate to the folder/document library for which you want to generate a shortcode to embed the view on your WordPress page.
  • Note: Please note that this will create the embed for the current view of the folder.

  • Now navigate to the right-hand side and click on Save Shortcode.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | copy shortcode
  • Now click on the copy icon highlighted below to copy the shortcode.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | copy shortcode
  • Navigate to the WordPress Page/Post on which would like to display the SharePoint files.
  • From the available elements, select the shortcode item.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | select wordpress element
  • Paste the copied content in the shortcode area.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Paste copied shortcode
  • Click On Publish and view the post to get all documents on your page/post.
  • WordPress SharePoint Integration | Published post

If you are looking for anything which you cannot find, please drop us an email on

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